I seemed to have settled in somewhat. I know what needs to be done more so, and am comfortable doing it in a timely fashion and all that. There are lots of very nice people who have helped, been welcoming etc. There are a few, particularly one I work with very closely that is a real hardass for lack of a better word. She's just very cold and unapproachable and it can be very annoying. He reactions when she does are quite, arrogant to say the least. I still feel like a square peg in a round hole though. I continue to keep my relationships and contacts at my old job up. Just because and it makes me feel better doing that. All in all it's ok...I am getting positive feedback from my supervisor and she says others are speaking highly of me. I do plan on giving it a helluva go, time wise, 6 months or so, but for my peace of mind, I do feel I have a solid back up...just in case!