So software engineers have the best job in America.'ve programmed about every day since before the dawn of the internet, and even a few years before then. Yet I'm THE loser who couldn't get a job that pays even the low end of the range is listed in every salary survey.
My current employer enticed me to stay by giving me a carrot-like raise recently, and assurances that I'm a key member of the team and their future, but meanwhile I can't afford to have kids, so I'm basically being weeded out of the gene pool, as I apparently am a defective member of the human species.
I'd ask more detailed questions, but I don't think there are any answers, like, WTF is going on? It seems I am the lowest paid programmer in America. Why doesn't MSNBC write an article about that? Oh, maybe I should check out their mentally deranged social section, since apparently I fit more squarely into that category. Why don't I get media attention????? "The One Guy Everyone Refuses to Hire for no Rational Reason" -- "How Does He Stay So Alienated???" -- "He Must Have Been Raised by Space Beings" -- "The Guy Everyone Loves to Watch Fail...."
Realistically, I can take care of myself. I don't need anything spoon fed to me. I think that the corporate world caters to
a different personality type (trying to be polite). Whatever the case, everyone else gets considered first. Only after everything is perfect, EVERYTHING, I mean every other person is attended to... then maybe someone will think that my skills might actually be useful, but until then, nah, too much brain energy is needed.