"I believed then, just as I believe now, that it is profoundly wrong to think that fighting for your country overseas and fighting for your country's ideals at home are contradictory or even separate duties," he said. "They are, in fact, two sides of the very same patriotic coin."
- Sen. John Kerry, speaking on dissent being a part of patriotism in a speech at Boston's Faneuil Hall Marketplace.
Sen. Kerry has it exactly right. Dissent and patriotism are not mutually exclusive. In fact, if you truly care about your country, then you not only have the right, but the obligation, to speak out when you see it veering off course.
In the aftermath of 9/11, too many Americans (be it politicians, members of the media, or just ordinary citizens), got caught up in George Bush's "either you're with us or against us" rhetoric, and thought that critizing a commander-in-chief after we had been attacked, would be unpatriotic.
However, I believed then, as I do now, that speaking out against the policies of this current Administration was and is still the greatest rebuke to Osama bin Laden and the Islamic extremists who attacked us.