Electricity Deregulation: High Cost, Unmet Promises
Competition a 'Myth' as Prices Spiral Upward
By Terence O'Hara and Amit R. Paley
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, March 12, 2006; Page A01
At the time, in 1999, evangelists for deregulation described a competitive, efficient and lower-priced system of energy delivery that, for the most part, remains a fantasy in the Mid-Atlantic region and other parts of the country today, according to industry experts.
The District, Maryland and Virginia, along with much of the nation, are wrestling with the ramifications of deregulation at the same time that the cost of producing electricity is skyrocketing. But as energy prices have soared, electricity rates have gone up more in deregulated states than in regulated ones.
Though Northern Virginia residents won't feel the full effects of deregulation until 2010, when rate caps expire, caps were lifted for Pepco customers in the District and Maryland several years ago, resulting in steady increases, including a 38 percent jump for suburban Maryland and 12 percent for the District announced last week.
Will we all finally wise up to this "deregulation" bullshit that has been passed out lo these many years? It has NOT brought competition and lower prices for American consumers - it is a SCAM and a FRAUD!
Grandma Millie lost her house in California and moved to Maryland, but the scammers are following her