Edited on Sun Apr-23-06 03:07 PM by patrice
The Army commercial with the Dad who says his newly minted military son has changed becxause he shook hands and looked his father in the face for, apparently, the first time, always SURPRISES me with this image of a "Dad" who didn't raise his own son to look into his own father's face. To me, This is a very emasculating commercial, this inept, victim father isn't part of my experience. I can't imagine any of us NOT to have looked one another in the face as a real person. It's just weird to me that the Army would choose to tell American "men" that they are weak, inept, and, some even, bad fathers, having raised a son who wouldn't look them in the eye. That's not much of a father in many people's experience.
Aside from the fact that the commercial adds to a continuing emasculation of American men, there is a Social Justice issue here too: Certainly there bad fathers, but I'm not sure I want to be a country that bases its military too heavily on the economically disadvantaged people, economics puts a lot of pressure on parenting, but it doesn't seem desirable that military should fall so heavily on the Poor. So even though there are inept fathers who don't have functional relationships with their sons, I don't think the advantaged and lucky should depend upon the dysfunctional poor families for defense. AND depend upon the State to "fix" these broken sons.