Edited on Sun Apr-23-06 04:23 PM by kentuck
There are some "plans" that Democrats can use and the Repubs dare not attack:
For example, a balanced budget plan, which focuses people's attention on the huge deficits of the Repubs. And a minimum wage plan, which focuses attention on the loss of jobs and the loss of wages and the Republican lack of action. And a more sane and rational foreign policy plan, which focuses attention on the calamity in Iraq. And a compassionate and rational immigration plan, which focuses attention on the lack of any immigration policy from the Repubs... And stem cell research, which focuses attention on the right-wing influence within the Republican Party. And an energy independence plan, which scares Repubs to death, with the present price of gasoline. And trust, openness, and integrity in government and in our representatives which would focus on the Republican lies and corruption, and which the Repubs would not wish to talk about.
There are other issues which need to be presented once we regain the House and/or Senate, such as healthcare, investigations of the corruption, exit plans for the war, tax plans etc. All these types of issues are crying for action but those are the ones the Repubs want the Democrats to use, so they can further divide the nation. Democrats would be politically wise not to address those accept from a personal viewpoint. For example, individual Democrats may say they support immediate withdrawal from Iraq, but that is not the Party position yet. That leaves them the option of taking a stand without giving the Republicans the "cut and run" issue that they so crave...etc...