Edited on Mon Apr-24-06 12:09 AM by chookie
Karl Rove, in 2000, sold monkey boy as a moderate -- I knew he was lying back then, and it alarmed me. But a lot of nice Americans bought it; even if they didn't vote for him, they were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt despite the ambiguity of the election.
After the ground swell of public consensus after the 9/11 attacks, they thought they could get away with anything -- including unleashing the Pandora's Box of NeoCon ambitions upon the world.
Iraq has gone badly -- all this sacrifice of life and treasure -- for what? Faith has been broken.
The response to Katrina was the final insult to the American people -- among many other crucial issues, it dramatically demonstrated that the administration was willing to pour our fortune into Iraq, but had failed our nation's own citizens at their time of greatest need.
Bush is a consumate poker player -- I have long argued that someone able to force him to show his empty hand will destroy him and put an end to this extremist madness....
He believes in PR even more than he believes in Jesus Christ, but as America travels on a downward spiral, his question "Who do you believe -- me, or your own eyes?" has been exposed as a deliberate deception. People started thinking for themselves when the baloney and hyperbole and outright deception were revealed, albeit between the lines of mainstream news reporting. His own party is abandoning him -- indeed, I suspect it will be a Republican who will start the official impeachment proceedings, because there ARE decent patriotic Republicans out there, and sadly, their party is far more effective in getting things done than our own at present.
Bush's support has eroded to the point where it is like Jonestown -- the loyalists and fanatics he surrounds himself are all he has left, and they are willing to commit suicide to prove their beliefs, or drag us all down with them.
No one is buying the wacky explanations anymore. He has led us to a grave situation. Talk of impeachment is in the air, and if history is any guide, it will at least be attempted or achieved during this ridiculous second term.