Veterans running for congressional seats across the nation are joining seven recently retired generals in demanding the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld. The "Fighting Dem Vets" are launching this petition for Americans to lend their voices to this patriotic demand from over 70 veteran junior officers, NCOs and enlisted personnel that are standing beside their ranking officers by having signed this petition. Let it be known that this is not a matter of a few generals; it is the common perception of veterans who know the failings of leadership in this administration to be an unprecedented disaster for our nation.
It is absolutely appropriate and welcomed for these Generals to speak out. They have insightful knowledge, opinions and experience to share vital to our democracy.
Flawed policy, blind obedience and, even at this late date, denial that a change of course is necessary, are the signatures of the Rumsfeld-driven war in Iraq -- a war that had no connection to fighting terrorism, and that diverted efforts from fighting terrorism where it was known to exist. Instead of finishing the job in Afghanistan, Rumsfeld lobbied and coerced for war with Iraq in full support of the administration, from top to bottom. It was the wrong strategic decision for the nation and the world and Rumsfeld is accountable for the debacle his ideologically-driven agenda created.
Additionally, Secretary Rumsfeld personally authorized unlawful torture inflaming the Arab world and has been caught in a deceitful lie about armor for our troops and their vehicles. This record being tolerated and endorsed by America's Commander in Chief is appalling and unacceptable.
We veterans who are running for Congress to put America back on course stand with these honorable Generals. It is their, and our, most recent patriotic act! We have signed this petition to alert all Americans and call on you to join us today! Massa has posted an excellent summary of the generals criticism of Rumsfeld. It is well-written, detailed, and well worth reading. It is available for your reading pleasure here:'t forget to sign the petition!