A People Plank for the Democratic PartyBy Timbuk3
I want to share an idea that I think has real promise. It's at the "give me feedback" stage, now, and I'm patient enough to do it right, but here it is right up front: We need to make the Democratic party understand that we expect them to put forth and support a constitutional amendment defining what a "person" is, once and for all. This amendment should define a "person" as a human being regardless of where they were born. I'm not a lawyer, so I'm looking for help in the exact words to use to keep the definition in line with the 14th amendment, too, and I'm open to CONSTRUCTIVE criticism on how to make the whole thing workable. I also realize that I'm making quite a leap stating what "we" demand, but stay with me a little longer.
If done right this could end the domination of politics by corporations, as it would make it the foremost law of the land that only "persons" have civil rights. Corporations (and other special interest groups if we word it carefully), not having been "born", would have no first amendment right to free speech that allows them to spend such huge sums of money to influence politics. (You don't have to be all that astute to see what other things defining a person this way can do to bring peace to the nation, too.)
I'm under no illusion that the Democrats aren't beholden to corporations and big money. Different corporations and different big money, sure, but beholden to THEM and not to US just the same. If we're so sure we're right, that corporate money has ruined politics, why shouldn't we push this? Why shouldn't we DEMAND that the Democratic candidates push this? Why should we support the Democrats if they PROVE to us that corporate money is more important to them than our opinion?
The Daily Kos and DU have raised astounding amounts of money for some candidates. Other Democratic candidates and congress-critters post on these sites and ask for feedback there. There is recognition that the upcoming election is a "base election" and "the angry left" is actively sharing ideas, strength, and money because they expect to be heard. Needless to say, this has the hateful right up in arms! The RW complains about "the angry left" bloggers out of fear because they recognize a real threat to their power!
The Democrats know what's happening, too, and how much power we still have. Just as an example, Lieberbush is in deep shit in CT, and he knows it. He's allied himself with "God's chosen President" one time too many, and the support of people like you and me are giving Lamont a REAL chance to unseat "joementum" in the primary.
We shouldn't allow the DNC to "move right." In the past year or so there's been a real awakening in America to the indisputable fact that the GOP is unable to do ANYTHING without the approval of the RW-extremist fundies (and if they've forgotten remind them about Harriet Myers.) Anyone who believes that it's not the government's province to legislate morality, that it's distinctly un-American for the government to make "value" judgements for them, isn't going to vote for God's Own Party this time around, but they may choose not to vote at all. We will NEVER win the vote of a RW-religious extremist, but anyone else who is tired of the GOP culture of corruption is looking for something to be FOR. I've talked to people from all "sides" in the political debate and this is one issue all Americans (except those who vote on faith) can unite on. If you want to "reach across the aisle" and get former GOP supporters to vote Democratic getting rid of the dirty corporate money is the ticket. People are so overwhelmed by the huge sums of money dumped into politicans pockets that they feel like they no longer have any influence on our nation's politics and laws, and they're tired of it.
We shouldn't support a Democratic party that's ONLY better than the GOP because they're free to act without consulting the Dobson's and Falwell's of the world. We should let the Democrats know what we want them to do for us, and WE SHOULD EXPECT THEM TO DO IT. The religious right and the big money behind our current government aren't going to give up power meekly, but until we get the money and the religion out of politics we aren't really even in the ring, much less winning the fight. The least we can do is tell our representatives HOW to represent us, HAVE THEIR BACKS when the inevitable attacks begin, and be willing to DO THE WORK TO MAKE THE CHANGES necessary to restore government for, of, and by the PEOPLE, not legal concepts.