The ForumThe Natural Truth of The Republic demands that all Citizens of The Republic be able to participate, at their own choosing, in any matter in The Republic's function; to ensure Their will be carried out by The Republic a forum of The People shall be created.
Here is a flow chart of the system:
1. The Forum shall meet at the convenience of members. It may be a physical or an electronic gathering. Each local session may consist of no more than 1,000 members. The various sessions shall proceed on a monthly basis. All sessions of The Forum must read and learn about a measure in a mandatory instructional session, before any measure may be considered with a vote or debate. Each session shall maintain a record of each debate. All debates shall be summarized in an electronic system, so that each point shall be heard and the volume of information each member of The Forum must read in the instructional session shall be kept to a minimum. Any members may at their choosing review any part of the verbatim record of debate.
2. All members present at The Forum must pledge allegiance to The Republic and to uphold and defend the Constitution under penalty of loss of property or time, before taking part in The Forum.
3. A citizen may delegate another person to represent them. A Delegate may not represent more than 50,000 people. A Delegate serves at the represented citizen's pleasure, and if a citizen so chooses they may represent themselves at any time.
4. To preserve order and efficiency, each session of The Forum shall elect 1 President. The President must be elected by a 3/5 majority. The President shall serve at the pleasure of The Forum's members and may be recalled by a 2/5 Vote of Displeasure. The President shall speak for the local session of the Forum at any official function.
5. (a) The Forum shall have the ability by 4/5 vote to veto any legislation or governmental act by any other part of the government.
(b)The Forum shall be able to impose a pause upon any act of government by a 3/10 vote, but this pause may not exceed 1 month. There shall be no pause of matters vital to the Republic's survival. Vital matters shall include either insurrection or invasion by a foreign power, with imminent or actual casualties.
(c) The Forum shall have the ability by 2/5 vote to recall any member of the government except Judicial Officers.
(d) The Forum shall have the ability to subpoena any member of the government for questioning, but only by a 1/5 vote.
(e) The Forum shall have the ability to draft and propose legislation to be sent to The Houses by a 1/5 vote.
(f) The Forum shall have the ability to unilaterally pass legislation by a 3/5 vote.
(g) The Forum shall in conjunction with the Houses declare war with another nation or other foreign power by a 7/10 vote.
Basically individual sessions will meet, debate, and vote on legislation. If the legislation garners only some support, mainly because it is not widely known, then it shall pass on to the Houses of Congress. If the legislation gains a lot of support, it shall go into law. Legislation cannot, however, be Constitutional Amendments. I think this would shift policy making to The People. I like it. Imagine being able to speak and vote in Congress. That would be so cool. Well obviously you have to be elected in our current system, but in this one everyone has the chance.