I went home to visit my father over the Easter weekend. My Father lives in very Republican county in this largely Republican state. My father has been loosely aligned with the Republican party forever. But he's also been a swing voter, and way back in 1964 he was the de facto campaign manager for a Democratic candidate for Congress even though he was a registered Republican. He now deeply regrets having voted for Bush twice, but that's old news.
The new news:
Saturday night we were eating at a restaurant, and this elderly woman, probably about 80, but still very vigorous both physically and mentally somehow gets triggered into a tirade. I will quote the bits of it that I can remember exactly, and try to summarize the rest:
"I may be a Republican, but I'm not a very good Republican. I'm sick of what's going on."
"And just how did he get the contract to operate all four concessions anyway?" (the he referred to being, if I understood correctly, the Republican county chairman, and the "four concessions being the four tourist resorts in the local state park--the largest and nicest and most impressive state park in the state.) In case anybody wants to boycott those would be Sylan Lake Resort, Legion Lake Resort, Blue Bell Lodge, and the Game Lodge located in Custer State Park, Custer South Dakota.)
"and I told him, 'NO!' I wouldn't be coming to the Lincoln Day Dinner
and I told him I wouldn't be contributing either, 'Don't even ask.'"
She went on, all this fairly loudly for anyone that cared to listen (all of probably about 10 or 12 people present). No one said anything in defense of the Republicans except one comment that anyone else could have bid on the contract-- A statement that was questioned by another participant to the conversation.