Mubarek apparently has vowed to punish the suicide bombers at the Egyptian resort..
This is the reason why we MUST all negotiate with the zealots..even if we hate them, and their ideas.
Negotiation is a place to start, because they do not fear death, and they cannot fight modern nations with conventional methods. We can have millions of people in the military, and billion dollar planes, but they are useless against handfuls of suicidal zealots.
they may not kill as MANY people as our methods do, but they wreak havoc with governments in sly ways.. they discourage tourism and commerce in countries that rely heavily on those things...and that further destabilizes their already weakened governments.
Look at what the WTC attacks did to air travel here in the US.. The tourism slack here is probably more due to the fact that Americans are broke, and foreigners are not too happy with our leadership's draconian policies right now.
If the goal is to eliminate westerners from the middle east, why not just let them have it..and thrash out their own problems by themselves? They will have to sell their oil to someone..they cannot eat it..so why don;t we just become their customers, and leave them all alone?
I know it sounds simplistic, but sometimes the best solutions are also the simplest ones..:shrug: