Somebody better "forcefully" put a "frickin'" stop to this clap-trap Rush Limpballs is spewing about treason, or the next Federal Building that some wing-nut decides to blow-up (see Oklahoma City) will be on their hands.
This talk or treason ought to send cold chills down the spines of every freedom loving American, regardless of their political affiliation. This is the kind of talk that starts wars, or worse, leads to the evil that occurred in Nazi Germany just a short 70 years ago.
Check out some of these wing-nut comments if you can stomach it. IrishMike
Rush my friend, you know it, and I know it, and most Freepers know it, but the trick here is to get our President George W. Bush to ACKNOWLEDGE it, stop coddling the Clintonista traitors within the government, and clean house from top to bottom!
As long as our President and the Republicans in Congress are still making nice-nice with the Party of Treason, the treason will go on.
It has to stop, or else America will cease to exist in any form we want to recognize
To: IrishMike
Rush was on a roll with this yesterday. He was so on a roll that you could've put lettuce and mustard on him and had a Rush sandwich.
13 posted on 04/25/2006 5:25:13 AM PDT by advance_copy (Stand for life, or nothing at all)
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To: mkjessup
Still, you have to identify all of them first ~ then you can purge them. If you don't, their little buddies are left behind, still in hiding, and they will be even more trouble downstream.
Look, leftwingnuts can be smart ~ like any predator ~ so don't believe for a moment that all of them are standing out there in the middle of the front lawn wearing signs that make it easy to find them.
I think Porter Goss has made a good start. Now, if he can get them to talk.......
14 posted on 04/25/2006 5:27:45 AM PDT by muawiyah (-)
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To: muawiyah
I think Porter Goss has made a good start. Now, if he can get them to talk.......
Interrogations at Gitmo, put American Flags on their heads (since they hate it so much) and make them listen to Rush 24/7? ;)