and deaths of others, and maybe even delights in it, but that is not the end of the story of who he is. The most important part is how such a person became President of the United States for two terms and remains unaccountable to the American people for his attitudes, his stupidity and his actions.
The poll question asks: "Is Bush as stupid as he appears or is he trying to appeal to stupid people?" I think the second part of the question--the "or" part--is wrongly focused. It presumes that he IS trying to appeal to SOMEONE. I don't think he has it in him to want to "appeal to" ANYONE. That is his main flaw and lack as a human being. It's like a black hole inside of him. He has no connectedness to other people--even to his "base", whether it's stupid people on the bottom rungs of American life, or the multi-billionaire corporate predators whom he actually identified as his "base" in his infamous remarks to the Have's (at that fatcat dinner that Michael Moore exposed in "F-9/11"). He may hate the Have's more than he hates the stupid Have-not's who support him.* In neither case does he care what people think of him. And that is the puzzle. How can a politician--and a President no less--NOT CARE what people think? It's very weird and unnatural. A politician, theoretically anyway, is the REPRESENTATIVE of other people. A politician HAS to care what people think, to some extent--he has to, at the very least, care what his major funders think, and have some minimal care about public opinion in general. Bush is unique in this respect. He seems disconnected from everyone, and extremely isolated. And he is further unique--as a politician--is his inability to even PROJECT that he cares. He is not even a good actor.
And when you eliminate those extremes--the fatcats and the dumb poor, which together form a small group--and you consider how Bush strikes MOST Americans--as an advocate for the rich, as a privileged, pampered son of the rich, and as stupid, incompetent and uncaring--the puzzle of this mean-spirited, stupid man's rise to power becomes even greater.
Which brings me to the matter of how such a person could be President of the United States. I think that, a) Bush's two "elections" were wholly manipulated and stolen, in various ways, the most recent one quite obviously by Bushite corporations having gained control of the election system, with the new electronic voting machines run on "trade secret," proprietary software with virtually no audit/recount controls (the result of the $4 billion dollar electronic voting boondoggle pushed through the Anthrax Congress by Tom Delay and Bob Ney); and b) Bush is largely oblivious to how he achieved power AND to how power is exercised (how things work in the real world)--to him, it is like Daddy's friends covering for him again--he is a mean-spirited, stupid little man whom OTHERS have pushed forward and placed in the White House, and whom others control, perhaps in very direct ways, through drugs and psychological conditioning, and/or through fear and blackmail. As to the control mechanisms, he is LED TO BELIEVE that he is popular, and that he is a "king" of sorts (all powerful), when in fact he has very little real power, as a person or as President. (When he makes statements like, "I am the decider," he is revealing the reality of his situation, that he is NOT; he "decides" nothing; he is the tool of others, who are the actual "deciders" of his regime and who feed him his public lines and strictly manage his appearances.)
Who ARE the puppetmasters of this mean-spirited, stupid man? Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld spring to mind, of course (which is why it is laughable to think of Bush "dumping" either one, for political survival. Bush can't even "dump" Karl Rove, who is about to be indicted.) They are the most visible of the puppetmasters. I think there is a cabal of seeable and unseeable powers behind this Dauphin-throne, likely comprised of Carlyle Group multi-billionaires and multi-billionaire nutballs like Howard Ahmanson (who was the initial funder of ES&S, one of the two Bushite corporations that now control the tabulation of the entire nation's votes--Ahmanson is a rightwing 'christian' extremist). There are many colluders--representing a cabal of interests (corporate deregulation; tax breaks for the rich; pro-Israel rightwingers; powermongering religionists; military-industrial complex war profiteers, war profiteering corporate news monopolies, and factions of the Democratic Party leadership)--which has enabled this fascist coup to take place. But I think it's rather a small cabal that actually runs Bush.
How can such a mean-spirited, stupid man be President? Because, a) he is easy to control (directly or through fear/blackmail); and b) that's what this cabal thinks of US, the American people--Bush is the most supreme insult they could fling in our faces.
*(Note re Bush hating the Have's: Bush has no understanding of how things work. He is stupid and unskilled. He couldn't run a bank, for instance, or even a modest business. He couldn't have run Enron! He is not even a skilled thief. He has no practical knowledge or talent. He can barely keep control of a bicycle. And he envies and hates those who can. He actually hates the positive aspects of business--free/fair trade (truly free, I mean), creative ideas, scientific inventiveness, skilled organization, professionalism, competence--and, to the extent that the Have's of our society represent those qualities (good old fashioned American enterprise), he loathes them. Many of them are parasites, of course. And that is what Bush is--a parasite. But he doesn't even seem to identify with the parasitic class. He doesn't sail. He doesn't ski. He doesn't patronize the arts. He doesn't have preppy pals. He doesn't seem to enjoy his riches. He likely has no understanding of his own investments. He is a very, very limited human being, who has been puffed up with delusions of grandeur by others. And all this, to me, implies deep hatred and loathing of the members of his own class who DO enjoy being rich, and especially of those among them who have skills, whether at business or some other endeavor. In general, his regime has fostered a suicidal kind of greed that can only do immense harm to American business in the long run. An $8 trillion deficit, and the enmity of the entire world, are NOT good for business. They may bring huge short term profits to the very rich and to a small group of very powerful global corporate predators (the cabal that runs Bush), but they are very bad for everybody else, which may be why a revolt is brewing outside that circle.)
We have to start somewhere, and restoring election transparency--and our right to vote--is Priority #1. Without our sovereignty as a people--which we exercise through the power of the vote--we are helpless to enact ANY reform. And we MUST get this power back, while there is still a chance to do so.
Hopeful signs - latest news:
California voters sue the state over Diebold: is suing the state of California and 18 Calif county registrars on behalf of 25 California voter/plaintiffs, on the illegal Diebold "certification" by Schwarzenegger appointee Bruce McPherson. rejects Diebold: - anti-trust accusations against Diebold, ES&S and Sequoia, re: heroic Florida election official Ion Sancho:
(FLA AG subpoenas the companies),10801,110192,00.html & discussion) county clerk fights back!
More resources for American Revolution II: (MythBreakers - easy primer on electronic voting--one of the myths is that HAVA requires electronic voting; it does not.) (statistical monitoring of '06 and '08 elections--they need donations)
(Activist sites with links to state activist groups or info) (news of this great movement from around the country) (good general info, and state links) (great activist site) (fab compendium of all election info) (devoted to election reform) (also great, and devoted to election reform) (analysis of the 2004 election)* :patriot: :applause: :patriot: (well-organized local group of citizen activists in Pennsylvania, where important legal issues are at stake, including state's rights over election systems)
Provisions of the PA lawsuit: Voter Confidence Resolution (“We Do Not Consent”) (GuvWurld blog main page) (Voter Confidence Resolution (Calif Senator running for Sec of State to reform election system) (running for Massachusetts Sec of State on strong election reform and antiwar platform)
*Some tributes to TruthIsAll, who is very ill: bills:
Russ Holt's HR 550 requires a real paper ballot, bans secret software in "voting machines", and has more than 170 co-sponsors, but the audit required is too weak, it promotes electronic voting and centralized power, and the secret software might be permitted to continue in the central tabulators (the bill is not clear). To sign the HR 550 petition: lot of discussion at DU of the loopholes/pitfalls in HR 550: Senate Bill-SB 330 and House-HR704 simply require a "voter verified paper audit trail" (VVPAT), which may be best for the moment.)
Also of interest:
Michael Collins (Autorank)'s searing election reform article for New Zealand's Bob Koehler (-- four recent election reform initiatives in Ohio, predicted to win by 60/40 votes, flipped over, on election day, into 60/40 LOSSES!--the biggest flipover we've seen yet; the election theft machines and their masters are now dictating election policy! Title: "Poll Shock" 11/24/05) Bob Koehler's latest: "Trust us: Take this box and stuff it" (3/16/06) Koehler:
Amaryllis (Diebold, ES&S, Sequoia lavish lobbying of election officials - Beverly Hilton, Aug. '05)
Throw Diebold, ES&S and ALL election theft machines into 'Boston Harbor' NOW!
:think: :patriot: :woohoo: :patriot: :think:
"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it." --Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence