The ignorant freepazoid
captions the photo:
"Barrio Yes, Yankees No! has to wonder why they came here is they are so unenamoured with Gringos(?).COMING TO A CITY NEAR YOU, IT WILL SPREAD IF OUR SPINELESS LEADERS GIVE AMNESTY. BANK ON IT" educates with a
passage from the Chicano Park Murals site:
After a two-year period of little activity in Chicano Park, Barrio Logan residents once again banded together to better their community. Their goal was to have the neighborhood rezoned to remove the forty-eight Anglo-owned auto junkyards. At one point, "a stack of crushed cars" had fallen over into the backyard of one of the residents.
Varrio Si, Yonkes No! (Fig. 48) was based upon a flyer for a community meeting to discuss the problem of the junkyards. A community team designed and painted the mural, supervised by Victor Ochoa, "then employed at the Chicano Federation building in the park as a recreation counselor for cultural events." Varrio is a variation of barrio, neighborhood; and yonkes refers to junkyards. Thus, Neighborhood Yes, Junkyards No! Imagery within the mural depicts the Coronado Bay Bridge and National Steel. In the foreground, residents protest with their placards, Mas Casas, Menos Yonkes, More Houses, Less Junkyards, and La Unidrad Es La Fuerza, Unity is Strength. "Barrio Logan was rezoned. Junkyards began to move away."The freepanzi has some other revealing captions-
"la tiera mia”…my land (not your’s)"You know, like the song...."This land is my land, this land's not your land" :eyes:
"Hey…poco Ingles…que milagro!"That captions a photo of a woman wearing a shirt that says "Brown and Proud".
Another woman gets oogled from a safe distance, surrounded as she is by men who could conceivably be surrounded by US military-
"Some of these Reconquista chicks do have nice be fair"Oh, more than fair! :crazy:
Then, above a shot of some men talking there's this:
"Brown Beret sage dishing out some vato wisdom...and dental advice"To clear things up for those who may not want to peek into the pit, he wasn't talking about this guy-