Two main reasons Bush's numbers are in the tank,
according to the Freepers:
The drive-by media is continuing to use an over-sampling of democrats to arrive at the JA number that meets their agenda - Bush is bad.
many people with an unduly unfavorable impression of the situation in Iraq, because of biased media reporting
many people with an unduly unfavorable impression of what is in reality a fairly solid economy, because of biased media reporting
The answer is simple... a concentrated campaign of lies and innuendo has been mounted against President Bush, the economy, and the War in Iraq by the DemonRats and their lapdog Main Stream Media. This is the equivalent of a multi BILLION dollar negative advertising campaign.
I consider his PR failures perhaps his biggest shortcoming. There is no way that this Cheney hunting incident or ESPECIALLY the wire-tapping should have been an issue.
If Bush comes out hard and strong on those issues, if he gives national addresses and bypasses the media, then he gets his views out to the public.
The American people are MORONS,they are very easily lead by a tabloid media.They have very short attention spans and the majority dont take the time to investigate issues futher than 30 second sound bites.
I love talk radio but I really think this venue is hurting the country as well as 24/7 cable news.
It's about the image Bush projects. By not engaging in constant campaigning .... meaning whistle stops outside the beltway ... and by not aggressively conducting a PR campaign .... Bush presents the image that he is ignoring the American people .... That he does not care about us.
He lets the MSM run roughshod over him, which doesn't draw respect from anyone, and he simply refuses to stand up for himself more often than not paving the way for certain perceptions, whether true or not.
The American people are not morons. Considering that the leftist MSM has 98% of the news market sewn up tight, It may be surprising that the American electorate isn't 98% leftist, pro PC or pro illegals.
I would say two things come into play. One is the media distortion of numbers. That's always a factor. But the trend my be true even if the exact numbers are not
conservatives unhappy with the failure to secure the borders and the plan to grant some form of amnesty to the illegals
This is purely anecdotal, but a guy at work that is conservative and a Republican and voted for Bush says Bush lost him over the border issue
Bush lost me at the border.
Because he doesn't get it. He still wants to grant amnesty to the breakers and enterers. Would he if they had broken into his house? His parents' house?
And frankly, the borders and lack of action there practically supercede everything on your list. If we're not careful, after the passing of the baby boomers, the primary language in this country's going to be some form of spanish!
Not the disaster in Iraq, not the lies leading up to it, not the corruption, not the Dubai Ports deal, not the drop in real wages for the working class, not outsourcing, not the continued sluggishness of the response to Katrina, not having authorized the distribution of classified intelligence, not clinging to Rumsfeld.
No, it's the media and the immigrants.