"If we put the Democrats back in power, they will roll back all the progress we have made in protecting the lives of the most innocent."
Over 60% of the country believes abortion should remain a matter of individual choice, and legal.
"We will see more states legalizing gay marriage and we may see the end of traditonal marriage as we know it."
While the Fundies think this is an important issue, they are a small majority (don't let VOLUME fool you). The average Republican voter may not want legalized gay marriage, but they have more pressing things on their minds these days. And they KNOW that gay marriage would have no effect on their own 'traditional' marriage.
"If the Democrats win back the House or the Senate, have no doubt they will increase your taxes."
All voters have heard for years now, especially during the last election phase, that Democrats want to increase taxes by rolling-back the tax breaks given to the wealthiest 1% by this Administration, as well as tax breaks and subsidies that presently go to major corporations, especially Big Oil.
"With major problems facing our country, they will spend most of their time investigating and subpoeaning witnesses against the Administration."
Well, there's an easy response to that one, and it's Bush's own words: "If you have nothing to hide, why should you be worried?"
"We need to continue the job we have started."
The American people now see the 'job' the Republicans have started - deficits, debt, an unwinnable war in Iraq, job losses, increased gas prices, increased health costs, less funding for education and social programs, less environmental stewardship - and believe me, the LAST thing they want to see is the GOP having an opportunity to "finish the job".
I've spent a lot of time browsing websites lately that are visited by Republicans as well as Democrats, and believe me, it's been an enlightening experience. The average Republican voters is now as pissed-off with this regime as we have been from day one. Sites like Free Republic are NOT representative of the way average voters are feeling these days. The post I've been seeing over and over is: "I've voted Republican all my life - but this election, I'll vote Democrat or I won't vote at all."
That 32% poll number is based on something. It's based on people who are hurting; it is based on people who, regardless of past party affiliation, have had enough.