How many of you agree with this? People that I have talked to about this issue are very angry about the demonstrations and the way that the Illegal Immigration question has brought thousands to the streets, not asking, but demanding rights leading towards amnesty. Before all of the demonstration and protests these same people were sympathetic to the illegal immigrants plight. Now these people are asking how people, who are in this country illegally, can demonstrate on our streets and actually have the audacity to demand legalization and rights.
Without flaming and getting your knickers in a knot, think about it. Do you think that these demonstrations may actually have the opposite affect than is being sought after? I personally think that it just might.
First of all, look at what is happening with the issue. We used to talk about "fixing the border problem and illegals", all in one breath. Now there is a move to separate and better define the issue and how to fix it. Now we are beginning to looking at #1 Securing the borders and then #2 What to do about the illegal immigrants already in this country. This, of course, is a much more sound approach. If the uproar continues, there may actually be logical and DOABLE solutions introduced and instituted.
As more outrage from the American public (that doesn't fall in the "illegal immigrants" or the "sympathetic to illegal immigrants"category) gets heard and felt in Washington D.C., carrying the American Flag upside down or carrying the Mexican Flag while demanding legal rights and threatening boycotts while marching on the U.S. streets may actually fuel a large backfire.
Back in the 60's and 70's kids took to the streets demonstrating against Viet Nam. Many middle class voters labeled these activists as radicals. They were not looked at too fondly by the middle class VOTERS.. That is the key here, MIDDLE CLASS VOTERS (the sleeping giant) (I say the comatose giant) Waken them, turn them, give them a patsy, and there just may be some unintended results.