I was talking to some people in the pool (here in Republicanville - Naples, Florida) and asked them if they had heard about Cheney's tax return. That he had made more than 8 million this year AND that he was getting a refund of $1.93 million.
First you tell people that most of this money came from his HALLIBURTON stock options AND that in 2000 - he went on and on about how he had gottne rid of all of his Halliburton stock (what he neglected to mention is that he kept his Halliburton stock OPTIONS) - pretty much same difference.
THEN when you tell them that he's getting a refund of $1.93 million - their heads usually explode.
http://www.coxwashington.com/hp/content/reporters/stories/BC_TAXES_BUSH15_2NDLD_COX.htmlWASHINGTON — In another reminder that when it comes to income No. 2 is No. 1 at the White House, the Cheneys on Friday released their 2005 tax return showing $8.8 million in income.
The overwhelming bulk of the income listed by Vice President Cheney and his wife, Lynne, resulted from exercising stock options in order to make charitable contributions. That money came from a fund Cheney set up in 2001 to distance him from income produced by stock options he accumulated as chief executive officer of Halliburton Company.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/bush_income_taxes;_ylt=AtRC9fD1nXVice President Dick Cheney and his wife made more than 10 times as much, overpaid the tax man and are looking for a $1.9 million refund.