A poll was asked on DU today,
If your town had a reliable bus system would you use it..
It got me thinking..This is a question that effects EVERYONE.Personally,whether you drive or not. and it goes DEEP into the reasons suburbia was built and the psychological reasons people move out there.
So I wrote this.It's a bit long, Enjoy!.
I live near the Town of Bel Air,A suburb.
I don't drive..My partner does. My eyes are crap at a distance so I can't pass the driver's test even with new prescription eyeglasses.This is a REAL problem for me living out here . Because this is the suburbs,a land of compulsive zoning, where everything is zoned away from eeverything else..effectively sealing off people from people and makling the necessities of life,make a car nessesary.
I HATE having to rely on my partner to drive me places, And this dependancy impacts my life and limits the choices I can make. Hauling groceries for miles every few days and long bus trips takes a tool on a sore back.Going to doctors on time is very difficult if the bus does not show.Poor and disabled people are out here and sometimes they are worse off than I am .I am lucky my partner has a tiny 98 mercury tracer.
I can't help but notice there is an obscene amout of multi vehicle households,with big prosthetic penis trucks, SUVS out here. Often I see them on the road with one person in them. It's disgusting.
And I think it is a symbol of status,that is tied to affording to live out here,it appears as taking up space..because where would you find parking for such a monstrsity in the city?.
Bel Air was built up on the white flight from Baltimore. The housing boom has turned once lush fields,forests and farms into ticky tacky false fronted way too expensive housing developments with pretentious names ,zoned far away from the nescessities of living,the stores,schools and work..
Suburbia is a zoning obscenity,and silly waste of space. And there is a motivation,based in this madness of taking up space and isolation . It is one way of telling the world I am superior and lordly.This social hierarchy problem is one of the reasons for Big yards, big houses,thatlook like fortresses,And big armoured trucks it looks like a weapon,
What does it say?
It says I have entitlement,I am power hungry and I have a cripping hidden fear of weakness of being less..
It has to do with the way businesses have exoploited social rank and classism in human beings.
Walking anywhere out here is laughable,you will walk forever just to get out of the development,after that trek you might have a three mile hike to get to a grocery store.If you need a clothes store it might be two hour walk. It's impossible to live here without a car.And needing a car excludes certain people from ever moving out here.Classism .Despite this we DO have a bus service out here and it SUCKS.It is a pain in the ass because it is a toy to let affluent people tell themselves theyr'e not totally selfish pigs...You might very easily be walking a long time with a bad bus system and it kinda becomes usless if it is not reliable.So you'll never know when you are stranded! Isn't that FUN??
The bus lacks funding to visit routes reliably it is very limited in where it goes to too.It was built in the late 80's.Often when I drive past the bus stops they are vacent.They have little shelters,that bus stops in Baltimore county that get used more often SHOULD have,but don't and in Baltimore county the bus is more reliable and it is the MVA, state run . With that bus you can get to the city and out again.The light rail services the richest areas and it is VERY reliable.Poor neighborhoods in the county have the worst bus routes and they need it to do to get to work.Needs are not important as keeping up appearaces and classist bigotry is in America.
The state legislators who built the light rail are only concerned about their own. So they made sure the rich folks of hunt valley were serviced.( Governer Erlich is from Lutherville out where the light rail is BTW). The light rail ensures rich republican whites can get right downtown to see the Ball games and avoid the hassle of parking.. Fucked up Priorities ,the rich and white can't be inconvienenced by reality you know.
And it is this additude that will destroy this country.
Sadly these self centered dumb as a box of rocks republicans that have flooded the once democratic Harford county, will destroy it..For some people out here it's all about keeping up appearances of being 'a big fish'and snub the'little fish. It's all about moving up in the social hierarchy baby!And wealth means STATUS and privlege.
Case in point: Baltimore County had the lightrail built to and from Baltimore City. Soon after the lightrail was built to Hunt valley mall some affluent business people bemoaned how theft at the mall had increased.
Well Duh'Oh if you have plenty and don't share some of it to support the social safety net, and if your additude humiliates poor people for being poor ,what do you expect them to do?
Lay prostrate before your fat pale dockers encrusted ass and declare .. Ohhh Yes we are inferior people,we cannot be worthy of what you have because we are poor losers ,So we will stay miserable and have nothing just for your comfort and ego trips.What kind of bullshit is that?
Like Hunt Valley,Harford county has plenty of classist bigots looking to keep thier neighborhoods rich,white and "nice".They don't SAY that,but one look at the colors of humans and clothes and cars if the occupying these neighborhoods ,that tells the ugly truth.Nevermind the fact thier own kids are doing most of the crimes out here. There is no Light rail to blame like in Hunt Valley.Thier own neglected kids are bored out of thier minds at home until mom or dad gets off work after doing overtime to pay off the huge mortgage and credit card bills for shit they don't need or stuff they buy to blow off stress or show off.
Kids get bored shitless out here with nowhere to go,nothing to do..and everywhere they gather they are seen as trouble just for being bored young and loitering.
Where do they go when they are shooed out of the mall parkinglot? They meet over someone's house and raid thier parents liquor cabinet,use thier dads car to drive to Baltimore, or to Baltimore County to score some pot or play some hoops where they won't be shooed away from businesses and street corvners like unwanted stray dogs..
Bel air is filled with desperately disconnected suburban kids with thier uninvoled parents money to burn lining thier pockets who want anything but to be trapped in the drab miserable routine driven lives thier parents are calling sucess and'normalicy'.
Socccer camp art camp church ,school,and home isn't a real relationship,for some kids it's like a full time JOB that daddy and mommy want you to do..And we know there is no place at work allowed employees to form or explore thier own identity,even at the water cooler you watch what you say...If the kids can't find themselves in Bel Air they will either go to the city or make something happen here at home,that will show them they can have an impact in shaping thier own life. And A kids life is thiers to live mom and dad cannot live thier life through thier kids life unless they want thier kid to suffer damage.
Maybe a frustrated 14 year old boy can get a nose pierce to create a family crisis because everyone knows dad wants a clean cut son,so fuck you!Maybe become a suicidal goth,and go to a psych ward,and say Fuck You.or A kid looking for themself may form a gang of bullies like the crips and start by egging mailboxes and graduate to killing a cab driver,and say Fuck this town! ANYTHING to fill up the hours and make a point,anything risky enough and different to feel alive and...wanted... needed and that they can do something that gets a resoponse from the normal world around them ,far too busy and self absobed to notice they are dying inside.
http://www.deater.net/weave/jc/belair.htmlKids are suburban parental toys,status symbols and accessories and when they get older servants to mow the lawn or wash dishes and babysit and they know it.They are desperate to matter to someone else as a real human being with thier own dreams and desires independant of family. So anyone,who understands this situation even if it's a gang or an abusive relationship can exploit this terrible pain..of the need to be wanted..to mean something to someone..I understand thier situation,I too fled Bel Air for the excitement and diversity and mental space of Baltimore. If I had the money I'd be back in Baltimore.
That says something.
Suburbia is a false fronted lifestyle in a living space designed to breed children and bring profits to corporations.It's not about real HUMAN BEINGS. If you are not a parent out here you will be bored to death I can vouch for this..
People moving out here want so badly to tell themselves they have risen above the dangers of poverty while they go into debt with credit.It would be hilarious if it wasen't so sad.
I don't doubt some kids may learn bad habits from the drug dealers downtown.I ask why do they even GO there?
I know they come back and ply thier new skills in Bel Air too. The Heroin trade thrives out here.I don't see Baltimore drug dealers selling crack,I see Teens in thier moms SUV or teens passing it at the mall or on the school bus.And of course these hypocrite parents they'll panic,blame the blacks in the city, Blame the people in the priojects and remove affordable housing,cut the bus routes,they'll fortify thier fortress againsst the world.. and lock thier cjhildren down,They'll blame video games,rap music, secular humanism,the gay agenda,
ANYTHING but themselves.
And Republican "leadership" exploits this sick tendancy in these fools because to change one must look inside themself and OWN thier situation and we all know how republicans are SCARED of change.
The suburban oblivious self absorbed parents and thier miserable broods are more dangerous to my well being than a few homeless people looking for a place to live and wanting a shelter. But newer Bel air residents are experts at playing NIMBY,they scream no growth hoping toi shut the gates from all newcomers now that they got thiers..
I have seen Harford county culture change over time and it is sad. The original resaidents of this town don't oppose homeless shelters or good bus services out here because they were raised to care and cultivate community.
They HAD to,fornm connections and sharing the burdens and benifiets was a way for all to live well. I was not inhibited on my old street to run next door for a cup of my neighbors sugar. We were not scared of needing help or reaching out to others in case they need help. The experctation was we were all in this together.It was give and take..and in that process you found out who your neigbors were and who you were.
But things have changed.
Last summer our car battery went Kaput.
We had no way to start it without asking a neighbor for help. We heemed and hawed and finally I went over and asked. The first neighbor was apathetic.The second helped us.As the second neighbor was helpping the first must have felt guilty for being so isolative because she got in her care and drove over our house and asked if she could help..It was too late.
It takes balls to reach out to neighbors who are as strangers now It goes against decades of social conditioning a millenia of social rank to break the patterns..It takes real balls to offer freindship and community relationship to strangers next door. But this is what we all must do.IF we want to survive out here.
It is the old timers and edgewood people and carless teens and disabled people who really NEED bus services NOW.And it is they are who are not too proud to ask for a community in a ocean of islands scattered like stone hearts in squared tracts of short green grass.To the Suv driving brood mother,we are invisible,we are not in HER backyard.We do not exist..But when her armored car breaks down it is one of us poor bus dependant who walks the roads just because she wants to believe in the American cult of self suffeciency and the 'entitlement' of sucess that helps her out first. As other SUVs speed by..
The original people out here when I grew up were DEMOCRATS.Than in the 80's things changed.A housing boom came that destroyed alot of what made harford county a real community.A snotty upwardly mobile yuppie class of effecient,busy,self absorbed people moved in to the false fronted cavernous houses with no tree yards. Social services withered as these new people voted republican to keep more of what they owned all to themselves..
Old time residents of Bel Air did not throw fast food trash by the roadside,if thier kid did it the car was stopped and Jr got out and picked it up. So where did that trash come from?. From people raised with no understanding about what it means to be part of a community,who think because they have money now that someone else will be hired to maintain the things they take for granted like trash free roads.
But since they refuse to pay taxes nobody will be hired to clean up the trash they should have been kind enough to take home and throw away in thier own trashcan or a trashcan designated for it for the sake of others eyes.
The roadside trash piles up until the problem becomes unavoidable.Then long after the old timers got pissed off the newcomers cry out Somebody should fix this eyesore! Legislators say well we will have to raise taxes, the affluent repub newcomes cry no no don't take my money from me(oink)!!
So what do legislators do? They take money from the social safety net,services the poor need and use because we are not supposed to exist out here anyway. . They won't take it from the piggy residents and they dare not offend the big pig developers and companies.. So what do they do? Rob the poor like a good republican.
Upwardly moblie people have the wrong standards,and if you are not like it tough. You can "make it"if you can't pay or do as they do, Die....
Until the affluent by force of necessity of NOT HAVING it,begin to have to live as I and others out here with no car have been living for years when we were invisible to them when they had the money to make me dissapear..they will not care about me,or others in need or the social safety nets or this community or anything else as long as thier money isulates them from reality..
When Suvs aretoo costly to drive for the long commute the additude of entitlement will fade away because more practical realities can chip away the false front money makes and the walls of the fortress will come down..It will make the new Bel Air people realize what the old Bel Air people already know,no man is an island. If you want a community that cares about YOU, You got to care about someone elses well being,someone not like yourself ,someone who needs help and help them yourself.And until they realize that we need each other ,We are all on our own out here.
They will find out soon enough if they want to keep thier nice homes these people are going to have to drop that shitty entitlement additude and think of others too.
It will come down to a choice..do you want to move back to The city that you fled from ?
Or doyou want to buck up to the job of building relationships like adults and pay more taxes?
Will legislators in Hasrford County have the courage and integrity to take back the slush money going to subsidize developers and big businesses and use it to build a good bus system with axcess for all that connects to everywhere thier work demands they go so the residents can survive keep the town alive by leaving the big honking SUV in the two door garage?Will the town be rezoned around human beings?
Or will this change be more gradual, Do we have the time?
If not, How ugly will it get??
Will people buy smaller and smaller cars to forstall the inevitable truth that the suburbian lifestyle was built around CARS,around big business interests ,and appearances that mean NOTHING?..Suburbia was not built around human needs,The City is more built around how humans live.. Will they wake up and realize that we need each other's help and compassion and protection from exploitation and some SERIOUS rezoning and new human ventered priorities ..if we want to survive?
That is what it will come to.
Will these affluent stressed out people resent reality that thier ship never came in? Will they take the pain of realization out on people like me? Brown people,immigrants, poor people ,freaks,women,gays,the disabled,believers in other religions, thier own kids, themselves? Or not. Will they ever grow up?
That is the scariest question I ask myself.Will I be in danger when the chickens come home to roost in the two car garage? I think this is the question lurking under many minds here on DU too.