CNN just announced: Tony Snow to take the "Snow Job" at the WH! ..n/t
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Tue Apr-25-06 08:47 PM
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CNN just announced: Tony Snow to take the "Snow Job" at the WH! ..n/t |
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Tue Apr-25-06 08:48 PM
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1. That's what they said??? |
SNOW JOB??!! LOL!!:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: This ought to be good!!!!!:popcorn:
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Tue Apr-25-06 08:49 PM
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2. LOL...perhaps the WH should have considered surnames when |
filling the position :nuke:
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Tue Apr-25-06 08:51 PM
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3. I cant wait to watch this blow up in all their faces! |
Tony Snow is a hack. He will look like a complete fucking fool up there. Making himself look stupid aswell as this already incompetent * admin.
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Tue Apr-25-06 08:52 PM
Response to Reply #3 |
4. i was really hoping they'd go with O'Leilly, that would have been way |
more entertaining for us.
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Tue Apr-25-06 08:53 PM
Response to Reply #3 |
6. The WH is saying, get this, Snow will have more policy impact than Snotty |
Sorry, no link, but I heard this today on Thom Hartmann (or maybe on an AAR newsbreak).
I mean really -- the FOX news dude is going to have POLICY IMPACT!?!?
Holy shit -> :wow:
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Tue Apr-25-06 09:02 PM
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I hope you are right. Now that he is in the WH he will only accept questions from Conservative reporters making the daily briefings "fair and balanced" . :eyes:
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Tue Apr-25-06 08:53 PM
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5. Finally Bush gets a snowjob... |
can we get on with impeaching the bastard now ????
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Tue Apr-25-06 09:00 PM
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7. MSNBC also announced Snow at the WH |
I heard weather was going to frost tonight, but Snow!! LOL
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Tue Apr-25-06 09:03 PM
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9. Rush's favorite stand in when he's gone. |
Edited on Tue Apr-25-06 09:05 PM by Lusted4
Someone should ask Tony will he still be able to sit in for Rush Limbaugh when he goes on vacation?
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Tue Apr-25-06 09:44 PM
Response to Reply #9 |
15. That just blows me away. A fucking Rush Limbaugh fill-in host. |
I swear it's like they go out of their way to tell half the country "fuck you". They've been doing it from day one.
Oversea Visitor
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Tue Apr-25-06 09:04 PM
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Snowing at the white house Maybe become blizzard then press corps need big shovel to shovel all the snow away to ask questions. Recommend all white house press corp to include shovel when going for press briefing
Damn hard work Shovel bullshit shovel snow Finally woh find Tony whee hiding in FOXhole still
When new show start :evilgrin: You know the "TONY and THE SNOWMACHINE" one :rofl:
Oversea Visitor
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Tue Apr-25-06 09:38 PM
Response to Reply #10 |
New weather anchor found for White House
To control the WEATHER of changing opinion, the WHITE HOUSE decided they need to have their own weather control
Introducing the lastet hit show "TONY AND THE SNOWMACHINE"
Insider information has it the first espisode to control the NATIONAL DISASTER will be on the freezing 32% temperature gripping the nation. What better way then to have your own SNOWMACHINE They have in their wisdom decide a good SNOW BLIZZARD will likely make the freezing 32% more sunny and rosy to all. After the HARDWORK of shoveling through the snow the WH Press CORP finally reach the briefing room. Woh Tony in a FOXhole and ready. The first reporter start asking question with shovel ready....aaargh I want to talk about Mary....(THUMP sound effect) Whoppe first snow ball TONY:MARY MARY hmmmm MARY AND THE LITTLE LAMB HER FLEECE WAS WHITE AS SNOW Next Question..... aaaargh the CIA LEAK...... (THUMP oops another SNOWBALL thrown by TONY) TONY:"I need to refer to higher authority to talk about that, you must be aware we clearing out all our guest at our TROPICAL PARADISE MOTEL... GITMO..... We expect a NEW inflow of the old guests need to make room for some NEWS fresh LEAKING GUEST. Please send in your booking now if your want a place there. You must understand we dont like leak so to find the leaker we going to trace the source We read and watch and ask who leak to you. We have pleasant way of getting the info send you to this nice GITMO MOTEL then we love you till you leak. NEXT QUESTION With chattering teeth ...aaaah TONY the SNOWMACHINE not working TONY: What do you expect I need gas for the SNOWMACHINE and they gave me a dollar to buy 6 gallons to run this machine. Gee some peole just plain stupid. Dont they know the prize of gas today.
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Tue Apr-25-06 09:14 PM
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11. Snow has had cancer. Last time I saw him he looked sick, not at all |
recovered. Why would he take this job with a disgraced selected impostor?
What is in it for him?
I would be concerned about my health and my image. I can't figure this one out.
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Tue Apr-25-06 09:18 PM
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12. LOL That is GREAT. I can't wait! |
Do we need any other proof that Fox News is the GOP's personal propaganda machine?
I welcome this. I can't wait to see his first press conference. :popcorn:
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Tue Apr-25-06 09:22 PM
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13. Who is gonna have the llevos to ask him about his |
"anti-Shrub" comments? I'll be waiting.........
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