if there are not sufficient folks to enforce the law, why not hire those folks, god knows people need jobs
there seems to be infinite money to spend on persecuting me for buying allergy medicine but no money to spend stopping my rich fascist neighbors from hiring illegal aliens to cut their grass at slave wages
sorry if you want to fight for the right of the rich GOPers to hire slaves and undercut wages for the rest of us, make a better argument than this
we have trillions to go to war w. iraq
seems like spending a few more millions to hire a few more guys to secure the border and investigate hiring people off the books would be money well spent
it protects wages of the legal residents and citizens, who pay taxes if they have work, and in any case for security reasons you don't just sit on your hands and say boo hoo we can never secure the border against everyone so we can't be arsed to secure it against anyone, that is illogical jim, it's said bin ladin spent a few hundred thousand dollars on the sept. 11 attacks, why not make it a little more difficult to get in here legally and force the bad guy to spend more of his effort and financial resources?
online and on teevee they say, "americans are lazy" but in person what they say is "n-words are lazy" -- and that is what is really all abt at bottom, god forbid a black man should ever be able to get a job, i can't believe how often i have heard this statement made in the aftermath of katrina by people who are frankly profiting because they would rather hire an illegal living in the back of a truck or a tent than a local, there is a lot of racism at the bottom of this let's grant amnesty to everyone who has broken the law long enough
agh, don't get me started