Rumsfeld leaves US troop presence to new Iraq government
2 hours, 58 minutes ago
BAGHDAD (AFP) - US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Iraq's new leaders should begin discussions on the future of the US military here and the pace of the US handover of security responsibilities.
"The question of our forces' levels here will depend on conditions on the ground and discussions with the Iraqi government which will evolve over time," Rusmfeld told reporters on an unannounced visit to Baghdad.
"For a couple of years we have heard people trashing the Iraqi security forces in Washington DC," Rumsfeld said. "The truth is they have proceeded with their training and equipping, they've gained more experience, they've provided the overwhelming portion of security for the last two elections and for the referendum on the constitution."
Rumsfeld's visit comes amid calls for his resignation from retired US army generals, who have criticized his Iraq strategy.
Asked whether this would be his last trip as defense secretary, Rumsfeld responded with a curt "No.", Rumsfeld in joint push for Iraq unity government
20 minutes ago
BAGHDAD (AFP) - US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld flew in unannounced to Baghdad for joint talks with Iraq's new leaders to push for the swift formation of a national unity government.
The surprise visits by the two top US officials, who arrived separately, came just hours after Iraq's most wanted man -- Al-Qaeda frontman Abu Musab al-Zarqawi -- voiced new defiance of Washington in his first video appearance, posted on a website.
Four months after the landmark December elections, Iraqi leaders have yet to form the first full-term post- Saddam Hussein government due to bickering over ministerial posts and a deadlock over who would lead the cabinet.
The leadership deadlock was broken last week after Shiite leader Jawad al-Maliki was made the prime minister designate -- triggering the latest round of whirlwind trips by high-ranking US officials.