From an email from Tom Reynolds, Chairman of the NRCC:
The NRCC wants to alert you to some important articles that have recently appeared in the media. Please take a moment to read these articles and forward them to other proud Republicans. For more information on the latest news relating to Congress, visit
CT-05: Chris Murphy's Ties to Exposed by Rep. Johnson, The Hill, 4/27/2006
In The Hill (4/27, Young) today; "The campaign of Rep. Nancy Johnson launched a television spot yesterday seeking to link her Democratic opponent, state Sen. Chris Murphy, to the controversial liberal advocacy group Murphy vehemently denies any ties between his campaign and MoveOn, but Johnson’s campaign insists there are parallels between two MoveOn television ads and past statements by Murphy’s and his campaign. ... 'We can now see a pattern of coordination and deceit,' said Brian Flaherty, co-chairman of the Johnson campaign. Johnson’s new ad opens with the line: 'Chris Murphy’s special-interest friends are at it again.' Johnson used her considerable money advantage to buy ad time to rebut a previous MoveOn ad criticizing her record on energy issues."
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WV-01 - Stu Rothenberg: Mollohan 'Suddenly Finds Himself a Major GOP Target for November', Roll Call , 4/27/2006
In his Roll Call column today, Stu Rothenberg writes that "this swath of prime campaign territory starts in Parkersburg, W.Va., right across the river from Ohio. It’s West Virginia’s 1st district — historically Democratic territory that went 57 percent for President Bush in 2004. The incumbent, Democratic Rep. Alan Mollohan, suddenly finds himself a major GOP target for November. Republicans have suddenly grown optimistic about the prospects of their candidate, state Rep. Chris Wakim, who just benefited from a fundraising event with Vice President Cheney. Given questions about Mollohan’s wealth and ethics, Republicans believe that they will be able to turn the Democrats’ 'culture of corruption' message against one of their own."
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NRCC Chairman Tom Reynolds Statement on Congressman Alan Mollohan , NRCC Press Release, 4/21/2006
"Frankly, I am shocked it took Mr. Mollohan this long to come to the conclusion that he could not serve as the senior Democrat on the Ethics Committee while under federal investigation over his financial dealings and how they relate to nonprofit organizations he set up and funneled $250 million in earmarks to."
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IA-03: Rep. Boswell's Meeting with Lobbyists Reeks of Hypocrisy; No Comment from Iowa Democrat, The Hill, 4/27/2006
According to The Hill (4/27, Kaplan, Marcum): "Republicans are criticizing Rep. Leonard Boswell , a staunch opponent of the Medicare prescription-drug benefit, for attending a meeting hosted by Johnson & Johnson on Tuesday with pharmaceutical-industry lobbyists. ... Boswell is in a tight reelection race against Jeff Lamberti, the co-president of the Iowa state Senate. In the first quarter of 2006, Lamberti raised $310,763 while Boswell raised just $160,000, according to PoliticalMoneyLine. Boswell still has nearly $250,000 more in the bank than Lamberti. ...the NRCC pounced on Boswell’s attendance at the meeting even though no fundraising was involved. Campaign-finance records show that Johnson & Johnson has made no contributions to Boswell. 'Boswell’s not going down there to eat crackers. He’s going to the Johnson & Johnson headquarters to pitch his campaign to political money folks,' charged Jonathan Collegio, a spokesman for the NRCC. Boswell did not return repeated calls for comment."
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The Minority Leader is Fading Out , NRCC Press Release, 4/27/2006
Plurality of Registered Democrats Say They "Don't Know" Who Nancy Pelosi Is.When registered Democrats were asked about the House Minority Leader, only 33% had a favorable opinion of her, while 42% said they had not heard of her. The rest either didn't like or refused to rate Congresswoman Pelosi.
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That's it? That's what they're using to sling the Democrats with?
:D :D