From Salon's Daou Report:
One of the hallmarks of the painfully-too-long Bush presidency has been the abject failure of the traditional media to adopt an interrogative or disputatious stance toward the administration. We've been treated to a half decade plus of stenography with a few smatterings of lucidity (Katrina being the lone example that comes to mind). Narratives and storylines favoring the rightwing point of view and disfavoring the left have pervaded media coverage, and 'trusted' mainstream reporters, icons of the traditional press, have cheerfully peddled myths about George W. Bush that are laughably at odds with reality.
The mystique of a firm, resolute, compassionate, likable, religious, visionary cowboy is the result of a symbiotic relationship between conservative myth-makers, rightwing noisemakers, and occupationally-challenged reporters. And astonishingly, the fact that most Americans have seen through the facade hasn't deterred the traditional media from perpetuating these pro-Bush and anti-Dem narratives.
In that regard, Media Matters takes us back to one of the media's (many) moments of shame...