John Kerry’s Restore a Rational Tax Rate on Petroleum Production Act Kerry’s Energy Fairness for America Act to Frist: Let’s Help Consumers and Invest in Real Energy Solutions
April 27th, 2006 @ 5:26 pm, responding to the rising gas prices and the republican quick fix offered today which includes drilling in ANWR and “$100 rebate checks” for some taxpayers, John Kerry sent a letter to Senate Major Leader Bill Frist, telling him, “Let’s help consumers and invest in real energy solutions.”
John Kerry has introduced legislation to repeal tax giveaways for oil companies and he believes the $28 billion in savings should be used to help consumers and develop renewable energy sources.
Additionally, today Kerry introduced legislation to repeal the new manufacturing deduction giveaways for oil and gas companies. Without Congressional action, this giveaway will triple by 2010. According to the New York Times, ConocoPhillips – which made $13.5 billion in 2005 – saved $106 million due to the manufacturing deduction giveaway last year alone.
Kerry’s letter to Frist is as follows:
April 27, 2006
Majority Leader William H. Frist
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Majority Leader Frist . . .