Need help with anti-war sign at NYC march....
Smarmie Doofus
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Thu Apr-27-06 10:32 PM
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Need help with anti-war sign at NYC march.... |
.... on Saturday. Also one for the lad.
Any ideas? There's so much to say; don't know where to start.
Might be nice to give the $$$ media a jolt for selling this vile business to a gullible public. Hmmm....
So give me some ideas!
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Thu Apr-27-06 10:35 PM
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1. Well, I'd suggest "God Hates Republicans" obviously :-) |
My web site's home page has a great design suggestion.
Another good one would be "Let's not do this again!!!"
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Thu Apr-27-06 10:38 PM
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Because of 9/11
pix of bush
we have a war with a country that had nothing to do with 9/11
or pix of Osoma bin lade Seen Me lately?
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Thu Apr-27-06 10:39 PM
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3. God Bless Our Troops. God*&^% Our President |
How can you sleep Mr. President?
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Thu Apr-27-06 10:50 PM
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4. "What Credibility?" "War Makes Gas Cost More" "No More Broken Promises" |
"Just Say No To War With Iran" and "US Out. UN In."
That last one I saw mass produced at a local rally.
I was there with my "War Makes Gas Cost More" sign.
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Thu Apr-27-06 10:52 PM
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5. A few from my collection... |
Rich Man's War, Poor Man's Blood
The Rapture is Not an Exit Strategy
Bombs Stop Beating Hearts
One Nation, Under Surveillance
This is What Democracy Looks Like
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Thu Apr-27-06 10:52 PM
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6. "Too Many Churches and Not Enough Truth" |
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Thu Apr-27-06 10:53 PM
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7. Patriots Act - Impeach Bush |
Saw this one locally and though it got to the point.
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Thu Apr-27-06 10:58 PM
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8. Remember to put up a sign re agent provocatuers ... |
... it's a good bet that the government is going to hire agent provocateurs to burn the USA flag or damage property so that this can be ascribed to the anti-war patriots. So warn the protestors against this type of subversive government activity.
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Thu Apr-27-06 11:06 PM
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9. My favorite one is very risque... |
and probably not suitable if your son is attending...
Bombing for Peace is like Fucking for Virginity
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:59 PM
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