Calling All Dittoheads
Posted by Wayne Christeson (04.27.06, 7:20 PM)
Al Franken famously described Rush Limbaugh as a big fat idiot. Jim Derych is a bit more measured in his appraisal but he reaches essentially the same conclusion. Derych, a financial planner from Memphis, has written a new book called Confessions of a Former Dittohead (Ig Publishing 2006) in which...
Al Franken famously described Rush Limbaugh as a big fat idiot. Jim Derych is a bit more measured in his appraisal but he reaches essentially the same conclusion. Derych, a financial planner from Memphis, has written a new book called Confessions of a Former Dittohead (Ig Publishing 2006) in which he traces his roots as a hardline dittohead at the University of Tennessee into his maturity as a born-again Democrat. (For the intelligent of you out there who may not know what a dittohead is, it is a slavish adherent to the rantings of Rush Limbaugh, the gangsta rap thug of rightwing talk radio.)