A Friend sent me this story with a link:
Republicroid Zombieism – It is real, it is dangerous, and it has left millions of otherwise intelligent Americans stumbling through life hopelessly trapped in a state of delusion and denial. This insidious virus can creep up on the unsuspecting so slowly that most do not even realize they have been stricken. But soon after the infection sets in, words begin to lose all meaning - death is life, war is peace, lies are truth, stealing is giving, and slavery is freedom.
It can happen to anyone. I know, because I am a former Republicroid Zombie.
Republicroid Zombies can often be difficult to detect, because unlike those infected by the Democroid strain of the virus, most can carry on somewhat normal lives. They have families, hold down jobs, and often seem able to function on their own. But just beneath the facade, the virus is eating away at its victim’s brains, leaving them unable to form so much as a single independent opinion until commands are received from Fox “News” or some other Republicroid propaganda source.
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http://newswithviews.com/Brownlow/david54.htmThe story goes on to tell about this guys awakening from the dark side. The Republican legacy since 1995 is now well known, but it bears repeating. In just eleven short years:
- 14,000,000 American babies have been murdered while “pro-life” Republicans – including the wolf in sheep’s clothes who occupies the White House – sat back and did absolutely nothing.
- Serial, undeclared wars have cost the lives of tens of thousands while squandering hundreds of billions of borrowed dollars. American troops are left to languish in 140 of the world’s 193 countries.
- Our borders have become a virtual sieve. We are in the process of being completely overrun by illegal immigrants. Meanwhile, less than 2% of incoming cargo containers are inspected.
- Federal spending is up nearly 90% to $2.8 trillion, roughly 85% of which is illegal per the Constitution.
- The “Federal” Reserve created $6,000,000,000,000 (that’s $6 trillion) in new money, out of thin air, and injected it into the economy. Nearly $800 billion was created just last year - resulting in the further destruction of the dollar. (See the M3 Stats)
- The national debt ceiling has skyrocketed from $4.5 trillion to $9 trillion. Total debt stands at close to $50 trillion.
- Annual deficits remain at $500 billion plus.
- Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid and the other illegal income transfer schemes continue to gobble up nearly two thirds of every dollar stolen from us.
- The federal courts assault on the Constitution marches on without any opposition from Congress.
- Trade deficits are approaching a trillion dollars a year, killing off what little remains of our manufacturing base.
The list goes on and on.