The recent Earth Day diatribe by NYTime's John Tierney
Cheer up, Earth Day is over that a little reported methane project is underway. Normally I would blow off anything that Tierney says, however in this case he is correct. The media isn't looking into this alternative fuel source since it is essentially low-tech and just about anybody can 'do it', so to speak. Biogas, or as Tierney put it, the 'methane project', has already won environmental awards when done at Rwandan prisons
Human feces powers Rwandan prison,68127-0.htmlIt also doesn't help when Bushco consistently pushes a hydrogen fuel cell system dependent upon platinum catalysts. Has anyone checked the price of platinum lately ? Zinc air fuel cells would make a better choice for powering your vehicle (albeit, the 50 mph limitations would put most people off--see's website for info on metal air fuel cell vehicles).
Humboldt State Univ. in Arcata, CA, has a novel hydrogen generating system using algae that is most promising if the hydrogen side of things is the way you want to go.
I see biogas (hydrogen and methane) along with biodiesel as something that could get us out of our fix.
The large scale nuclear power (high temperature ?) envisioned by Patrick Moore needs some consideration also, but conservatives cannot rationalize being anti-terrorist simultaneously giving them around 100 new sites to get enriched uranium, now, can they ?