Florida Senate Passes Bills Dealing With Sex Offenders
POSTED: 9:31 am EDT April 28, 2006
UPDATED: 9:32 am EDT April 28, 2006
TALLHASSEE, Fla. -- Local governments would have to come up with a plan on how to provide shelter for sexual offenders and predators during natural disasters under a bill the Senate has passed.
Under the legislation, each county would have to develop a plan on how it would provide adequate, but separate shelter space for those who have been convicted of a sex crime.
Some counties have voluntarily adopted policies to shelter sex offenders in jails and other government facilities away from the main population.
The Senate also passed a bill that would reduce the number of days a sexual predator may reside somewhere before that place becomes a permanent or temporary residence.
http://www.local6.com/news/9067263/detail.htmlDo they do the same for convicted killers?