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Defense Contractor Wilkes Might Have Been Involved in Sex-Trafficking

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
RedEarth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-28-06 03:29 PM
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Defense Contractor Wilkes Might Have Been Involved in Sex-Trafficking
Edited on Fri Apr-28-06 03:57 PM by RedEarth
A lawyer/reader writes, "This may prove to be the most important paragraph in today's San Diego Tribune story about hookergate":

Two of Wilkes' former business associates say they were present on several occasions when Shirlington Limousine & Transportation Service of northern Virginia brought prostitutes to the suite. They say they did not see lawmakers in the suites on those occasions, though both had heard rumors of congressmen bringing women to the rooms.

"The limousine company was in Virginia and, it appears, it transported prostitutes across state lines into the District of Columbia. That's a federal crime - and one that's in an entirely different class than merely providing an illegal gratuity to a congressmen. If Wilkes is convicted of sex trafficking, he'll face significant jail time. More importantly for him, such a conviction will affect where he serves time - sex traffickers don't go to minimum security work camps - they go to, at best, medium security prisons."

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xchrom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-28-06 03:31 PM
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1. all republicans think about is sex.
oh. and prostitutes. lol
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Warpy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-28-06 03:40 PM
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2. Wilkes is a total pig
and the more you know about him, the worse it gets.

I just want them to start examining some of his companies a little more closely to see him launder taxpayer dollars given out in DOD contracts into fat contribution to the RNC, candidates, and right wing PACs.

Pimping should be the least of his troubles. It's the money laundering they need to focus on.
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The Backlash Cometh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-28-06 03:48 PM
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3. Pigs.
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napi21 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-28-06 03:48 PM
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4. You can bet your life he's going to talk about who he provided
these little goodies to!

I can only dream whose names are on the list!!!!

Let's all hope all the Dems learn something from all this! I feel secure in saying "this time" it's going to be all Pubs, but when the Dems regain power, I sure wouldn't put it past them to do the same dirty sh*t! I hope they technology improves, it's almost impossible to get away with this illegal stuff!!!!
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