My wife and I have been in our democrat club for a while, and hear me out...
Most of the other dems in our club, are old, very old...65+, and in truth, they can give two cents of a rats ass about gay marriage, or abortion persay. Alot of the social issues, that are on this board, our dem's in sw missouri don't care about. But, they do care about the main social/health issues, universal health care, Social Security, prescription drug plan...
So, its hard to gain any support for gay issues/abortion, but in truth, their demeanor about it is good to an extent, because they don't care, meaning, they don't care, if gays get married, its their business, not theirs, and they dont' care aobut abortion, because they believe its up to the man/woman, or whomever is involved, but getting them fired up to support those issues, is very difficult.
The issues, which make people fired up, are Iraq,economic, and taxes, gas prices. Our dems hate Bush because of his economic choices, his ludicrous tax breaks to the wealthy, and the cronism, and outrageous gas prices. These themes, are what my wife and I use, while talking to people who don't vote, or who vote RW, we try to talk some sense into them. And there are a lot of examples of Bush saying one thing, and doing something completely opposite. It effects the truer fiscal conservative rw voters, because of our HUGE debt, and creatign more red tape government(DHS)....
So, what im' really trying to say is this: DU, fills my wife, and I with hope, it fills us with new insight, and thoughts, and new news, and other trains of thinking. It is rough, working through grass roots campaigns, and this place, energizes us....its like, a...Sauna of Hope...:)