It's time someone just came out and said it like it is. Conservatives rape and torture teenage boys in Arizona and walk because it's "just hazing." Conservatives make graphic hateful death threats and calls for violence against liberals every day on the air, on the Internet, and in RW books, and are not invesigated or even repremanded. Conservatives in the government steal elections, cause scores of deaths in lie-based wars, launder money to fund reelection campaigns, shit on the Constitution, destroy America's reputation worldwide, and allow the worst terrorist attack in world history to occur and they are hailed as gods. We all know that if a liberal even thought about doing any of these things, s/he would be immediately impeached/arrested/censured/fired/thrown in Gitmo/hung/drawn/quartered/or all of the above.
In America today, people can literally get away with murder and much more as long as they have the "right" poltical views. Sometimes I even think that if the OKC bombing occured today, McVeigh wouldn't have even been arrested because he was a registered Republican. One major step we need to take to restoring pre-Bush America is making sure people are not given special privileges based on their political stance.