Here are the current approval/disapproval ratings for several politicians:
Survey by the Roper Center/Quinnipiac, February 2006 John McCain: 40 percent favorable/18 percent unfavorable Rudy Giuliani: 49-15 Hillary Clinton: 42-40 John Kerry: 30-41 Al Gore: 27-46 George W. Bush: 36-49 Dick Cheney: 29-50 Condoleezza Rice: 44-27 Bill Clinton: 49-33
Al Gore has the worst numbers of all the listed politicans. Kerry the third worst. Both are statistically tied with Cheney who is widely blamed for everything Bush has done wrong (and what a list that is). These numbers are hard to overcome. They also are hard to create absent a horrible crime. Think about this Gore, who was right on everything in his campaign has numbers that are worse than Dick Cheney. The press did this. Stories about Gore's 'lies' nearly all of which were themselves lies. Stories about earth tones, Naomi Wolf, and Buddist Temples. Stories about Love Story, Love Canal, and the internet.
Gore is all but non viable as a candidate thanks to that steady drumbeat. It would take several million dollars to change his numbers into something tolerable. Gore, the man who literally forcast what Bush would do, has worse numbers than Bush. If we don't do something about the press, we are dead meat. Our best Democrat, Bill Clinton, has positives tied for first but negatives higher than every Republican save Bush and Cheney. So that while his positives are tied for first his net approval ratings are worse than every single Republican save Bush and Cheney.
We need to fix this. It is that simple. Dean was right about this, like so many other things. During the primary season his notion of having supporters work the press was widely ridiculed, and apparently abandoned when Kerry got the nomination. Kerry now has a net approval of -11 and a positive of a mere 30. We have to do something to hold the media accountable. We have to fix this. I don't know if Dean's way of working the press was the best idea or not. I do know that we must come up with some idea.