One of his choice comments on his radio show, from Amy Goodman's Democracy Now:
"...Last week, Snow said on his radio program,
"People like Jesse Jackson who have committed themselves to a view that blacks are constantly victims, have succeeded in creating in the United States the most dangerous thing that we've encountered in our lifetime; which is, an underclass that doesn't seem to be going anywhere."..." is only the tip of the iceberg of vitriole spewed forth by the incoming press secretary.
Given this on the record history of his past statements, how long will he last in the job?
Please explain.
In all fairness, part of Rev. Jackson's response on Democracy Now:"REV. JESSE JACKSON: You know, I’m reluctant to dignify it, except there is an attempt to make the quest for racial justice illegitimate, an attempt to make gender equality illegitimate, an attempt to make a call to peace unpatriotic. That's a kind of a consistent rightwing line. The fact is that people of color were locked out of opportunity by law and must be protected by law. And now this administration, that law is not being enforced..."