I have been really busy for a few days. During that time - the swirl of a sex-flavored tornado seems to be growing around
our elected Republican officials.
Federal authorities are investigating allegations that a California defense contractor arranged for a Washington area limousine company to provide prostitutes to convicted former congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-Calif.) and possibly other lawmakers, sources familiar with the probe said yesterday.
Now, CIA Director Porter Goss has been implicated. Remember this goomer? He's the one who said, famously, "Somebody sends me a blue dress and some DNA, I'll have an investigation." If
this proves true, he could be up to his knickers in shackles. Either metaphorically or literally.
So this brings me to wonder: If Clinton was impeached for receiving oral sex by that woman... Ms. Lewinski, then how would the faithful react to the news that their Congressional paragons of virtue also received oral sex? How then about ball gags, coitus, group gropings, etc? How then might the faithful respond to these sexual escapades in return for gentle gestation of legislative favors?
Oh... my...