Edited on Sat Apr-29-06 05:09 PM by bluestateguy
Like everyone else here I was delighted to see that Bush has dropped to 37% in the Republican leaning Rasmussen poll. The real polls show him down as low as 32%.
Yet a recent poll shows that John Kerry would only defeat Bush by 7 percentage points, a decisive victory to be sure, but not a landslide. Obviously, a lot of Bush disapprovers are not yet convinced that Democrats represent a viable alternative. Furthermore, many of the Bush disapprovers are conservatives and/or Republicans, who wouldn't vote for a Democrat if the Lord Himself told them to. These people are mad at Bush because of runaway federal spending, Harriet Miers, immigration, the Medicare drug bill and the Dubai ports sellout. Most of these people are not likely to vote for a Democrat, though perhaps a few of them can be convinced to do so, and that may be all that we need to win in 2008. These Republican/conservative Bush disapprovers are more likely to either a) stay home on election day, b) vote third party, or c) quietly and reluctantly vote Republican but play little role in the campaign (they won't put up lawn signs and bumper stickers or drive people to the polls on election day or donate money or attend rallies, etc.)