One thing that struck me reading David Brock's "Blinded by the Right" was how the important victories gained by the right (by hook AND by crook) often had their seeds in prior defeats, and that the battles in which the Right were defeated often were the starting point for the battles that they won.
Even though Clarence Thomas was confirmed to the SCOTUS, the wingers felt it necessary to further trash Anita Hill and denigrate her reputation as part of legitimizing a close, controversial appointment and as part of their larger movement.
Even though the wingers were not successful in removing Bill Clinton from office with the various smear campaigns and investigations, the negative associations left over from those campaigns were instrumental in keeping the election close enough for the 2000 outcome to happen. Without all the continual media and RW noise machine bloviation about Whitewater, Travelgate, tinfoil Vince Foster and Tyson speculation, and of course Monica, there's no way the shrub would have been anywhere near Gore after the kind of prosperity enjoyed during the Clinton years.
So it should be considered that as painful as they were, close campaigns such as those by Kerry, Paul Hackett etc. should be explored and used to find the seeds of the victories to come.