The congress looked into prosecuting Nixon and he would have been had he not resigned. Gerald Ford as president replacing an almost impeached Nixon pardoned the former president and Nixon himself. At that time the president had the executive powers to do that.If however Nixon had lingered in denial congress will have had that power removed from the president.This with reguards to the congress stripping the president of powers. This is indeed the reason this election is important,you see the Nixon croneys are back and the Bush people brought them back, not just to get even, but to regain presidential powers. And even srtip the constituation.To finish them it is all and important for the congress to finish it,meaning that which was started 1974.The congress never got around to taking the president,s power away ,declaring war without going to congress, or having the permission of congress. This is most important as you can see because of Bush,and those of that type.The 9/11 attack situation clearly showed the people will rally round the president at such a time, the president doesn any longer require supreame power there.The nuclear age has changed all that. It takes the very best this counrty has to offer to run the show. It is time for the war lords to take the back seat to power.The twenty first century commands that and no less.