This shit printed in my paper. The letters are from December but the attitudes continue now.'t worry, buddy, I can start quoting Orwell on you too. "War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength"=Bush's America. "Support the troops" my ass. You "support" them by wanting to keep them in Iraq to die. Yeah, the way I show I support people is to put them in dangerous situations. I totally get that. strikes again! This dude didn't quote Orwell, but is obviously in favor of an Oceania-esque state. "Wiretappings=good" "Bush/Big Brother=GOD""Wiretap me George Bush! Listen in to my phone conversations about how much I love you!" "Remember 9/11"? Sweetheart, George Bush is fucking EXPLOITING September the 11th of the year 2001. Using that day and it's events to support his twisted political agenda. And haha, good job with the "French" joke. HUR HUR HUR..freedom fries!!!!! Dumbass.
(came from my sorry excuse for a blog..which no one looks thats why it seems familiar. Thought I might get a better audience here).
And really dumb Right-Wing email forwards. Much like the "abortion poems", the right-wing email forwards are equally dumb. They usually contain a (probably fake) story about an army mother standing up to some "elitist" liberals in Applebees (or someplace like that) and ends with something like "support our troops, forward this to everyone" or some quasi-religious rant about the "trash" that goes through cyberspace.
And so, to parody this (and get away from this kind of shit for real), I start up
rEpUbLiCaNhOtTiE, "who" displays the cream of the (obscenely bad) crop of the right wing. I got varying comments, mostly were "haha this is funny"/"you are so dumb" but occasionally I got "omgz u r lyk tha bestest pursun evrrrr!! republican gurrrlzz 4 lyf!!!!!111 bff!!!" or the "intellectualized (haha is that a word?)" version of that comment above. Or at least I perceived the Freeper comments to be that way. But what's really scary is that a simple search for republican on xanga user search yields a shitload of">12-year-old Freeper web journals that ARE for real.
Also, on a simple google search of the phrase "george bush is my hero" (I did that at school for fun just to see what the results were), yields one in particular, a really fascist-esque "My Hero" paragraph about Our Leader, i.e. "George W Bush is the best president ever! I love him so much. He is my hero". Another result I found was that of a website that had a graphic that caught my eye in particular. It was a confederate flag with the image of Our Great Leader over it. Oh thats great for trying to court blacks into the Republican Party. Real good strat-e-ger-y (in the butchered words of your "hero")
I just thank the god of choosing schools that I go to a fairly liberal school, so I don't have to deal with fundie/Freeper bullshit everyday, but just witness it from afar. Exept for my dad. He claims my mom brainwashed him into being a liberal. He told me last week "I know liberals like your mother and you don't like to admit this, but McCarthy was right about some of the people on his blacklist." Haha, being a little Coulter-esque, are you? Since when was McCarthy ever right in anyones mind exept for that of a 100% genuine right wing nutjob? Sigh...
Thank you for your time.:rant: