I'm working on him. He's a cop, which means his salary is our taxes. He is one of those liberals in each issue type of guys, but calls himself a conservative because it's his "team".:eyes: He may come around. I used some of the points from other Duers in my reply.:yourock:
PS Do I dare ask what your opinion of this immigration mess is? I predict this is the one issue that could bring riots back to the US if we're not careful. I will say this much.... It really pisses me off to see people flying the Mexican flag. We even had a gentleman in the Valley who was flying the US flag below the Mexican flag. The VFW went and politely explained etiquette to him. Do you know what his response was? He took down the US flag. In my humble opinion, he should get his butt back to Mexico if that's the way he feels. All others who want to immigrate legally are welcome. Your thoughts??
-My Response- Immigration? It's a distraction. We have an out of control White House who is bent on bombing yet another sovereign nation, this time with possible nukes, which would set off a chain of events that could possibly be the destruction of us all. At the very least, The US's standing in the world will be that of a pariah, bully, and rogue nation. More Congressmen and Seantors are under indictment for campaign finance violations, money laundering, insider trading, and corruption since who knows when. Fraud, Indictments, cronyism, price gouging and record profits for oil companies... the list goes on. The last thing I'm worried about is Pedro risking death, crossing the Arizona desert to pick lettuce for less than $5 an hour.
Immigration has been a contentious issue for 200 years (remember the hatred for Irish, Italian Immigrants in the 1800s?), why is it all of the sudden a crisis NOW? Could it be that a GOP controlled Congress with an 18% approval rating needs to get re-elected this year?
You want to solve the problem? If the demand is there, cut off the supply. Arrest, convict and throw in jail for 10 years at least, every employer, CEO, farmer and construction boss who hires illegals. This would include Wal-Mart, Ritz Carlton and Molly Maids. No wimpy little less than a Billion $ fines, or looks the other way from state/federal pro-biz officials with a wink. If there are no jobs to get, then they're not going bother coming here, much less risk their lives crossing borders where the Beer Guts Across America (Minutemen) are waiting to pick them off.
Please don't get caught up in the racist distraction over the flag. I fly an Irish one in March. The Chinese fly one in May. The Cajuns fly a French flag during Mardi Gras. The Italians and Germans fly theirs in October. And... all year round the only people in this country actually PROVEN to be traitors to this nation still fly their racist symbol Confederate Battle Flags all over the South, yet have the nerve to be pissed at Mexicans flying theirs. I saw one truck with a stars and bars sticker on one side, and a United We Stand bumper sticker on the other, driving around without any sense of irony. I had to laugh.
Wanna protest something Mexican? Protest Corona. Any beer that has to have a lime in it to be drinkable, is not worth drinking!