Nihilists in Christians' Clothing by arendt ...."The key to Nietzsche's thinking is his philosophical skepticism. He believed that...there is no ....moral truth and no scientific natural truth that governs our existence...If there is no moral truth, then ....there can be no absolute notions of good and evil.
...."He felt that Christianity tamed the heart in man and must be condemned for denying the value of ....'exuberant sprits, splendid animalism, the instincts of war and conquest, the deification of passion, ....revenge, anger, voluptuousness, adventure, knowledge'. For Nietzsche, if one cannot speak of ....good and evil, then one is left to measure the value of things and people in terms of greatness and ....excellence. The measure of greatness is the power of 'the will' That is, the power to overcome ....others' morality and others' suffering in pursuit of great art and strong leadership.
...."(Nietzsche) never married, and his fear and contempt of women was reflected in his writing."
........- Martyn Oliver, "History of Philosophy"
"....what Nietzsche called the 'superman', or the 'next man', (Leo) Strauss calls the 'philosopher'."
..........Tony Papert, "The Secret Kingdom of Leo Strauss"
How in God's name did nihilism come to an America that couldn't care less about philosophy even if you could put in a can of Budweiser? The totally amoral neocon followers of Leo Strauss have brought it to us by hiding American Nihilism inside the very Christianity that Nietzsche raged against. It is amazing that a neocon can attend a Fundamentalist Christian gathering without bursting out in laughter at selling these religious suckers the social program of the quintessential anti-religious philosopher, Nietzsche (God is Dead).
Nihilism was the dark side of the 19th century "counter-Enlightenment", the Romantic Movement being the bright side. After World War 1, nihilism's impulse towards cultural suicide, tearing down a corrupt society, was a major influence on the rise of totalitarianism. Ironically, after WW2, one of Nietzche's major goals was peacefully accomplished in Europe: the total collapse of the "slave religion" of Christianity. This came about because the pre-dominant Christian sect, Catholicism, had morally disgraced itself during the war.
Throughout the entire 20th century, however, most Americans treated European philosophy like plague germs. So, the only way nihilism was going to get in here was if it were smuggled in via a sealed boxcar - the same way the Germans shipped Lenin into Russia. And that is exactly how George W. Bush and the virus of nihilism was deposited in America.
...."The psychological 'problem of Otherness' translates historically into Manicheanism - Good vs. ....Evil, Us vs Them. The Reformation, the Puritan Revolution, and the scientific and industrial ....revolutions exacerbated these trends in a quantum leap. (This led to)...the threat of nuclear ....holocaust, a world made 'pure' - Conquest of Them by Us. (That is)...suicide is the ultimate 'solution' ....to the problem of Otherness.
........- Morris Berman, "Coming To Our Senses"
The primary manifestation of this American Nihilism is the *embrace* of suicide by the victims:
..- the economic suicide of the ruinous deficits, off-shorings, and de-industrializations of the last fifteen .....years;
..- the geopolitical suicide of offending the entire world, repeatedly violating the Geneva Convention in ....wars of agression and torture;
..- the environmental suicide of sabotaging pollution control, habitat preservation, population control, .....and global warming efforts
..- the Constitutional suicide of destroying checks and balances, and separation of Church and State;
..- and, lately, the nuclear suicide, mentioned in the above quote by Berman, of bunker-buster nukes.
I'm going to part company with the many people who argue that Bush's hard core support of 25-30% is made up entirely of terminally stupid people. Even stupid people have a sense of self-preservation - unless they are suicidal. On the contrary, I have met a lot of well-educated, middle class people who are intent on going down with the S.S. Bush.
The thing often missed is that the hard core are also intent on taking as many other people with them as they can. It is the kind of grandiosity and viciousness common to losers, such as assassins: by killing someone important, I can become famous. What is happening in America today is a carefully-engineered replay of early 20th century Europe: the suicide of a pauperized middle class in the form of choosing military dictatorship and reactionary cultural censorship over democracy.
Now, happy people do not commit suicide; and America has historically been an optimistic country. But, by thirty years of deliberate deconstruction of the U.S. economy, the social safety net, the public discourse, and finally, the rule of law, the neocons have created a Hobbesian nightmare world in what used to be the richest, most free country on earth. America today is like the Pottersville of "Its a Wonderful Life" on steroids.
...."The ways of self-narcotization: intoxication as music; intoxication as cruelty in the tragic ....enjoyment of the destruction of the noblest; intoxication as blind enthusiasm for single human ....beings or ages (as hatred, etc.)...as narcotic states of disgust with oneself; some kind or other of ....continual work, or of some stupid little fanaticism...
........F. Nietsche, "The Will to Power"
And, as they have sunk into economic penury, the American middle class has been provided with all the implements of avoiding this painful reality that an inwardly-gloating corporate state can provide: the destruction of high art, or even popular art, by crass commercialism and violent spectacle; the replacement of knowledge by trivia and celebrity; the smearing and dragging down of liberals, educated people, unions, Democrats, and the government in a media version of feeding Christians to lions; and finally the mainstreaming of the fanaticism of fundamentalism.
As the increasingly wrecked economy and government generated social problems, the fundamentalists performed the classic inversion of cause and effect: bad times don't cause bad behavior, they argued; bad behavior causes bad times. From that premise, the witch hunts were begun. And, as usual, they are rounding up the wrong witches. The middle class recognizes, but dares not admit, that it has no power to keep the corporate "Otherness" out of their small town, their childrens' worldview, or even their own heads.
So, in these darkening times, they turn their feelings of despair into rage against the officially designated scapegoats: liberals, feminists, gays, blacks, and now Moslems. And, they turn to the power of "will" to hold back the suicidal impulses let loose by the loss of their traditional status and their taken-for-granted economic security.
The similarities between fundamentalism and nihilism are "hidden in plain sight". But once you puncture the illusion of religiosity, the identification is unmistakable.
Like Nietzsche, fundamentalists exalt willpower over reason. This is most obvious in their denial of scientific reality, or in their derision for the "reality-based community" in the political realm. It shines out in the white-knuckled grip Bush has on his dubious sobriety.
Like all nihilists, fundamentalists are in counter-revolution against the Enlightenment, and everything it stands for. One major target for them is the American Constitution, which was one of the most important results of Enlightenment thinking. Another is higher education, which (apologies to H.L. Mencken) might lead to thinking.
Like Nietzsche, fundamentalists fear women and have contempt for them as anything beyond breeding stock.
Instead of Christ's pacifism, the fundamentalists want "muscular Christianity" (kosher pork). They hold high the nihilist "instincts of war and conquest". Unlike genuine Christians, nihilists do not have compassion for the weak. They want to kill the weak because they think them inferior, and because they increase their "greatness" by this murder.
At the very top, the neocon leadership and the figurehead Bush are totally amoral thugs. Like nihilists, they feel free to manipulate the labels of good and evil, slapping them on anyone they please. They engage in the "reckless" behavior touted by nihilism to demonstrate their "excellence". The GOP domination of the government has allowed them to press their agenda way beyond the point of no return. They have recklessly staked everything on staying in power. And if they begin to lose that power, they have every intention of taking the whole world down with them. World-scale suicide.
Suicide is also the motor behind all the fundamentalists being played by the neocons. Look at Bush - he is hanging onto his sanity by his fingernails with the help of all the anti-depressants they can pump into him. His entire life is a history of failure, self-abuse, false bravado, and cruelty to others. Faced with a final humiliation, he wouldn't hesitate to push the button.
According to genuine Christianity, we are put on this world to prove our worth to God by good works, humility, and love - even of your enemies. Fundamentalism, on the other hand, is pure Manichaenism. You are with us, or we will kill you. This is Berman's final solution to "Otherness". Whereas Christianity urges its followers to "be good stewards" of what god has provided, fundamentalists are in a mad rush to trash the planet, laboring under the delusion that the Rapture will come when the trashing is completed. Whereas the Bible says "vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord", the fundamentalists exalt the nihilistic pantheon of "passion, revenge, and anger".
The unavoidable conclusion is that fundamentalists are nihilists hiding behind religion. They have stated the goal of unilaterally destroying our secular society, by means fair or foul. They have stated their desire that the world should perish in flames in the near future. (And Rumsfeld, Bolton, and the other highly placed neocon lunatics are doing their best to provoke it.) These are the actions of nihilists. That they find no contradiction between their actions and the total corpus of Jesus' words proves how dangerously irrational and unreachable they are.
Fundamentalism is Christianity without Christ. Fundamentalists narrowly preach the Old Testament, Paul, and the Apocalypse. None of these are the direct words of Jesus; and the Apocalypse is very dubious as a work of Christianity, as opposed to some druggie's bad trip. In reality, fundamentalism is yet another reincarnation of the lust for dominance by angry, brutal, anti-intellectual men. On a planet of six billion which is passing peak oil, fundamentalism is not a religion; it is a suicide pact.
It cannot be repeated enough: the hard core of Bush supporters are suicidal, not stupid. They come from all classes, races, sexual orientations, and educational backgrounds. They are bitter, ground down people, compensating for their disappointments with excessive self-righteousness. This bitterness and jealousy leaks out, no matter how many pharisaical protestations are made. They are the worst kind of potential suicides - cowards. Rather than kill themselves out of shame, they have decide to kill others in order to demonstrate their "excellence"; or, failing that, to let someone else be responsible for their "suicide by cop". So, we shouldn't be laughing at these dead men walking. We should be afraid, very afraid.
It is way too late to just be making this connection; but better late than never. Its time to put the frame of "religious nihilist" around the fundamentalist movement. Its time to challenge the pretensions to Christianity of these frauds and bullies. When you do challenge them, remind them to "turn the other cheek" and "love your enemies". They will hate you for it, like the false Christians they are.