Edited on Sun Apr-30-06 10:44 AM by UTUSN
I don't know whether Glenn REYNOLDS from Instapundit is an actual Libertarian, but he sounded like one. Mistah KURTZ was busy sweeping LIMBOsevic's junkie and lawbreaking and hypocrisy deeds under the rug ("It will be expunged, so perhaps this will be the last we hear of it."), but before he got to that point, he asked whether the prosecuters had pursued a political agenda.
REYNOLDS said something like they had, that if had not been LIMBOsevic/rich/(my word: )infamous it wouldn't have gone this far. He quickly added, "But then I'm for legalizing all drugs."
Two other guests (one, Steve ROBERTS; other, from St Petersburg newspaper) said that MANY (minority members) with FAR FEWER quantities of the same prescription drugs have gotten much worse deals, like, three years' house arrest.
My point is, this REYNOLDS------what IS he if not a Libertarian?------participated in minimizing LIMBOsevic's deeds.
Many here have taken hope when they hear Representative Ron PAUL, nominally a Repuke but actually a Libertarian, criticize the Shrubbites on various issues. The thing is, I agree with them on several things, like government non-interference in private lives (more like Choice), but they can't be counted on for OTHER things.