Edited on Sun Apr-30-06 11:28 AM by tjwash
1)It's absolutely OK to spew vitriol and spittle in a million directions about "your hard earned tax dollars" taxes going to "commie programs" like welfare, food stamps, and universal health care, but there is no problem with handing over your paycheck to an oil company as they gouge you at the pump, and give themselves half a billion dollar retirement bonuses.
2)Freedom of speech is a vital part of of our constitution that should never be touched, and obeyed absolutely, unless you are one of those "faggot pinkos" that are protesting the war, the high cost of medical price gouging, or the outsourcing of our jobs.
3)That conservatives are the best at shredding the socialist ideals of the left with their factual knowledge, lack of personal attacks, and blind logic. The proof is luminaries such as Rush Limbaugh who does literally nothing but call liberals names and personally attack them three hours a day, and Bill Oreilly who wrote the damn book on how to use name calling as the politics of personal destruction.
4)That the "war on terror" is vital to our freedom and must be blindly supported, as long as you don't have to put up with little inconveniences like raising taxes to pay for it, rationing gas, sugar, meat, and coffee so the troops might have it, or joining up and actually serving yourself.
5)That any pansy ass liberal that stoops to making a personal attack on their ideals, is the most ignorant cocksucker that they have yet come across on the internet, and should be hung by their balls and beaten with a bat until they come to their senses.
Please feel free to add what they have taught you as well....