You may have noticed in recent weeks a mounting volume of DU posts that carry messages that attack Iran. This has become a particular problem in Lastest Breaking News, where inflamatory headlines are repeated verbatim. This has given DU the appearance of a bulletin board for anti-Iran propaganda. The community and Admin have to ask ourselves, is this a good thing? If not, what can be done to address the problem?
Before I propose a solution for discussion, allow me to illustrate the problem. In the last few days, we've seen the following headlines pop up at DU:
"Iran procures new missiles capable of hitting Europe"; "Iran defies UN, continues nuclear fuel enrichment"; "Reuters: Iran will harm US interests if attacked"; "Turkey Refuses U.S. Request To Allow Attack On Iran From Turkish Base". Just type in "Iran" in the Search function, thread title only, and see it yourself.
All of these are dubious propositions in various ways, but that's not really the point here.
Last night, the following post appeared. While it was contained within the Israel/Palestine forum, the site of so much rhetorical overkill, it struck a raw nerve for me.
(87 posts) Sun Apr-30-06 11:28 PM
Original message
(Israeli PM) Olmert: Ahmadinejad is 'psychopath' who 'speaks like Hitler'
By Haaretz Service
Interim Prime Minister Ehud Olmert launched an unprecedented attack on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in an interview with a German newspaper published Saturday, labelling him an anti-Semitic "psychopath" who "speaks like Hitler."
Olmert told Bild newspaper that the Iranian president "is a psychopath of the worst kind. He speaks like Hitler did of the extermination of the entire Jewish nation."
"I hope that he will never become so dangerous and destructive, like Adolf Hitler was," Olmert goes on. "I hope he never gets the chance to transfer his threats into the deeds, but if one wants to judge a statesman based on his words, I can say Ahmadinejad speaks today as Hitler spoke before the seizure of power."
The prime minister said that it was the duty of the entire world to work together to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.
(The OP goes on to comment, below)
"Official anti-semitism is alive and well in 2006,
at the highest of levels,
in the land of Persia that once had a Jewish Queen,
too bad shes not still around to yet again save the Jews from annihilation .
Oh well i guess we will have to rely on the IDF , yet again.....(thankfully)"___________________________________________________________
The message I get from this, both from Ohmert and the OP, is that Iran wants to destroy Israel - Israel must destroy Iran. That's also more or less the message that's being broadcast by much of the MSM. Others may disagree, but this is war propaganda, a form of Hate Speech. It matters not at all that it's carried by "legitimate" newspapers. It's still war propaganda, and should be identified as such if it is to appear at DU.
Bush Plans to Channel Iran War Sentiment to Retain GOP Control of Congress.This morning we see confirmation that Iran war fever is part of a White House orchestrated political campaign. KPete, who has done so much to keep us informed, has a post this morning at The Greatest:
The Next War - Bolten's Plan For Bush's Political Recovery Points to Iran
Edited on Sun Apr-30-06 05:41 PM by kpete
Be Prepared
By Matthew Yglesias
I missed this until Mark flagged it, but Time's report on Josh Bolten's plan for political recovery says ratcheting up tensions with Iran is point four on the plan: "Presidential advisers believe that by putting pressure on Iran, Bush may be able to rehabilitate himself on national security, a core strength that has been compromised by a discouraging outlook in Iraq. 'In the face of the Iranian menace, the Democrats will lose,' said a Republican frequently consulted by the White House." I haven't done fresh reporting on this subject in a little while, but as of a couple of months ago at least, Democrats on the Hill and involved in the midterm campaigns struck me as totally in denial about the high likelihood of being forced to grapple with this issue in a high-profile way.
It's not 100 percent obvious to me what the right way to do this is, but mainly I think Democrats ought to steal a page from the Social Security playbook and lay down a firm marker. As I wrote a couple weeks ago, the policy question has a simple answer: "Should we go to war with Iran? The short answer is 'no.' The long answer is 'hell no.'
more at:
and From Josh Marshall _________________________________________________________________
The Bush Administration wants us to think war with Iran is coming, but they can't actually execute it.
Given the disaster in Iraq, the U.S. is in no position to start a war in Iran. Up and down the ranks. the troops and intelligence officers know we can not win a war militarily and politically against Iran, for precisely the same reason we can't "win" in Iraq. Please, see,
This is an elaborate pyswar campaign, and it is largely a partisan political one directed at the American people to get us into an hysterical war fever that the White House hopes will help the GOP in November. And, by those terms, the campaign is working.
We should not play into their game by allowing DU to become a bulletin board for war propaganda. We also shouldn't proclaim that war is somehow invetitable, and the world is coming to an end. That's just a role that's been programmed for the Left in this high-stakes political game.
I believe the best thing to do is to say this propaganda campaign is BS. Say it loudly, and often, and maybe, maybe, the American people will see this for what it is: the crudest form of power politics.
Therefore, I propose the following: Coverage of Iran should go into a separate forum. That forum should include a disclaimer, like the following:
READER ADVISORY: Much of what appears in the corporate media about threats from Iran is unreliable, as is information about Iraq. DU does not endorse the accuracy of the following information, even if the source material appeared in a normally reputable media outlet. This may be part of the solution to the intensive troll campaign posting Iran war propaganda we have seen at DU in recent months.
Thank you for your consideration of this comment and proposal.
I hope the DU community and Admin carefully consider this proposal.