It took place in one of my Teacher Certification classes I started after getting my Bachelor's. I'm going to a Master's Degree along with my cert in two seperate programs. The state this is taking place in is Arizona. . .the city of Tucson.
Society/schools often use negative means to shape desired behavior. How has your behavior been shaped by parents, teachers, friends, supervisors, and others? Do you believe schools tend towards more positive or negative methods to encourage compliance? Support your opinion with reasons why you believe the method you selected is used more often.
Here was my initial response:
I will divide this into parts, since this is a multilevel question:
How has your behavior been shaped by parents, teachers, friends, supervisors, and others?
Parents: My parents taught my my morals and ethics, to question authority, speak my mind and never be afraid to dissent when I believe I am right. As such, my parents shaped me into a free thinking moralist. I have never been in trouble with the law, never done anything shady and have a strong faith in my religion.
Teachers: These people hid behind the "it's policy" defense whenever they did something questionable. I would counter with "that didn't work for the Nazis, why should it work for you?" They wouldn't respond. Because of teacher's favoritism, insults and denial of my rights, I learned to despise teachers.
Friends: I rejected alot of my friends worldview and their rebellions. They were good to hang out with, but the fear of getting in trouble that may parents raised me with kept me from going along with my friends stupidity.
Supervisors: Being a "free thinker," I have had alot of problems with supervisors who followed the attitudes "It's my way or the highway because I am the boss." This was part of the reason I went into business for myself.
Others: Administrators made my life in school a living misery. I was almost suspended when I was post-op for a fight I was apparently in. I was almost expelled for refusing to stand for the pledge. The administration did nothing to stop the anti-semetism that was directed at me in HS. The administrations of my schools did little to impress me as little more than robots with no thought, empathy, compassion or intelligence. I developed the idea "those who can, do. Those who can't do, teach. Those who can't teach become administrators." Which is funny because I will be an administrator when I finish my Master's Degree.
Do you believe schools tend towards more positive or negative methods to encourage compliance? Support your opinion with reasons why you believe the method you selected is used more often.
School use threats, intimidation and heavy handedness in ensure compliance. My brother's HS will with-hold the diploma from graduating seniors if the senior does not complete community service if the student is removed from graduation. The students and parents are under threat of removal if they don't dress correctly, act correctly and walk correctly. The parents will be removed if they applaud during the ceremony. This is insane. Administrators have turned schools into prisons. Anyone who feels this is good should not be in or going into education.
Earlier this week, the prinicpal of one school ordered that if students participated in the nationwide "day of silence" anti-gay harassment day, then those students will be marked off on their grades. What does that prove? How much of a bully the principal can be because he's ex-military and the military openly discriminiates against gays? This is what schools have become.
A rather good student posted this as a response:
Based on your school history and what you have put forth, I am interested to know what your motivation is to teach now. I know in my district (TUSD) there are so many rules, regulations, standards, etc. that we have to put up with. Can you be comfortable with that conformity? I'm not trying to be argumentative. I'm just curious to know your thought process about your decision to teach, based on the attitudes in your note. If I had those experiences, I would not want to get near the classroom.
In which I (SAMMYBLUE) responded:I agree. . .the fact that I am doing this surprises even me. . .but the way I figure it. . .if one child can be prevented from being railroaded by a school district by what I have to say and teach, I am happy.
If one student develops a social conscience through my history and government classes, I am successful.
And, as for TUSD, you people have to sign a loyalty oath as a condition of employment! What kind of 1950s McCarthyistic paranoia right wing fascism is that??? How can the staff and faculty deal with that? I wouldn't.
Now, the Freeptard chimes in:
The only reason you can choose to NOT stand for the pledge and have a non-conforming view about society is because you live in America. IF you do not like what our society
offers, leave. Go live in a third world oppressed nation with no rights at all to speak against the government and when you do, you die.
With regard to what happened at your school earlier this week-though students have the right to protest, how do we as administrators know who is honestly protesting and who is just going along for the ride because our country allows them that freedom?
In which I respond with this:
On your first point: I am not even going to dignify that with a response. You live in your little hate filled sesspool, I'll try to change things. It must be nice to be the ultimate judge of what is Americanism or not! And, you're wrong. . .the only reason I have refuse to stand for the pledge is because of 6 Supreme Court Justices in 1943. Do some research before you belch your platitudes at me. Because you have no clue of what you talk about.
Second. . .why should I live? You, and your ilk, spent 8 years whining about Bill Clinton, but I didn't see my side say "America, love it or leave it." You don't deserve to teach, you shouldn't teach and you shouldn't try to mold young minds, because to do that, you must produce that you have one.
Third. You don't. . .unfortunately, the 1st amendment doesn't make distinctions, and neither will I when I finish my Master's of Educational Leadership.
You missive lacked any type of logic or intelligence. Go to and post and wax idiotically. I have no time, patience or desire to argue with a right winger like you.
I expect the instructor to tell me to be nice or some shit like that.