Klein claims Kerry's advisors focus grouped it and forbade Kerry to talk about it.
Kerry says he never heard about his advisors doing that, they never told him not to, and he spoke about it several times.
And Kerry did indeed talk about it, calling Rummy to resign over it. see:
http://edition.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/08/25/kerry.rumsfeld/Kerry reiterates call for Rumsfeld to resign
Says command must pay the price for Abu Ghraib abuse
Here is an article where Bob Shrum disputes Klein's lies or poor research or whatever it is:
But now Shrum is disputing Klein's version of events. When I contacted Shrum, he said that Klein's characterization of the campaign's response to Abu Gharib is "inaccurate." "It is misleading to say that the campaign reaction to Abu Gharib was to hold a focus group," Shrum told me, adding that while the torture scandal may have come up from time to time, there was never a session devoted to it: "We held focus groups all the time. In those focus groups I have no doubt that Abu Gharib was mentioned. But coming out of that there was no recommendation to the candidate that he should never talk about it. I would have known if this recommendation was going to be made."
Shrum added: "
never received any advice not to talk about Abu Gharib. I certainly never gave him that advice."