What does it mean to be poor in America?
"It means having to do without basic needs. It means being last, forgotten, judged wrongly by others."
Male, 44, Delaware, household of three, income less than $8,860
"To me, it is not being poor in itself that holds any meaning; it is seeing all the wealth in others, and of our nation, that makes your feel poor -- like living within many states of hopelessness."
Male, 40, California, household of nine, income less than $8,860.
Male, 58, Delaware, household of one, income less than $8,860
"Being unseen and unheard."
Female, 70, Washington, household of one, income of $8,860 to $11,939
"You are voiceless and somewhat powerless to change your situation, because you are too busy trying to survive to make the changes you need to improve your situation."
Female, 40, Washington, household of one, income less than $8,860
"I'm a senior, disabled, all alone, no money, sit in front of T.V. all day - why? Too poor to socialize. Poverty is like being in prison. Why even try to stay alive? For what?
Female, 62, Oregon, household of one, income less than $8,860
"You are treated as a second class citizen."
Male, 47, Oregon, household of one, income less than $8,860
"Heartbreaking. I worry about when I become elderly, sometimes I feel that my concerns, my voice isn't heard."
Female, 44, no state, household of two, income less than $8,860
"It's unbearable. It's like you have no reason to exist. Everywhere you go you get turned away."
Male, 45, Illinois, household of five, income of $11,940 to $15,019
"It feels as if you are the lowest creature on earth and rich people look down at you over their noses."
Male, 66, Pennsylvania, household of three, income of $15,020 to $18,099
"Struggling to pay bills, constant disconnection notices, not having money to wash and purchase clothing to work in because bills and household needs have to come first. Listening to your children say they are hungry, but not knowing what you are going to be able to give them before your food stamps come."
Female, 32, Missouri, household of five, income of less than $8,860
"I am poor so I know poverty. It's wearing tattered clothes and shoes and having to bow my head in the face of injustice and oppression."
Male, 55, Florida, household of two, income of less than $8,860
"People look down on you, thinking that you're nothing, like not one poor person tried in their life."
Female, Kansas, 16, household of three, income of less than $8,860
"Not having the American Dream."
Female, 49, New York, household of three, income of less than $8,860
"Not having enough money to have a nice Christmas. Not being able to have nice things for birthdays."
Female, 23, Michigan, household of one, income of less than $8,860
"Feeling like you always owe everyone either an apology or an explanation or both."
Female, 52, Kansas, household of four, income of less than $8,860
"Being poor in the U.S. today is very rough and scary."
Female, 36, Kansas, household of two, income of less than $8,860
"Looked over by most (due to fear), forgotten, seeing the richest people in the world while hungry and cold, feels alone and invalid."
Male, 31, California, household of six, income of $8,860 to $11,939
"It means I lost life as I knew it."
Male, 36, California, household of one, income of less than $8,860
http://www.usccb.org/cchd/povertyusa/tour.htmWhere is the RAGE in America, on DU, about this?
Where are all the "good" rich people ,that everyone holds up as examples. Poster philanthropists on pedistals,to tell the poor and angry.."LOok! See all rich people are not greedy bastards" Here's ONE rich person that helps the poor! Hey! lets all rah rah about ONE or three rich people doing good deeds and pretend the other majority of rich greedy bastards who don't care don't matter? After all middle class people are who give more money to the poor and social welfare than the rich ever do. Why is that? The tight fists and hard hearts of the majority of the super wealthy DO hold it all to themselves. Are there just too many greedy rich people that the few rich that care cannot overcome the effects of the greed?
Is there something toxic about the culture of wealth and winner takes all? Why does it have to BE like this? And why do so many people who are not wealthy,fear limiting the obscene amounts of wealth that ONE person can hoard all to themselves,weath they will NEVER touch? It's so SAD.