Regarding these presidential signing statements, a thought just occured to me. Is George Bush afraid to tell the American people how he really feels about the hot-botton issues of our day?
Of course we all know that he signed John McCain's anti-torture bill, then issued a signing statement declaring that he didn't feel bound to follow it.
And we know that he triumphantly signed the re-authorization of the Patriot Act, only to attach a signing statement saying he did not feel bound to follow a provision in the law, which calls for Congressional oversight of FBI searches for terrorists.
And so I have a challenge for George Bush: don't be such a coward!
Bushie, if you think that torture should be a part of our American values, the put yourself on record as such, and veto any anti-torture legislation that comes your way.
Do you think the executive branch should not be subject to the oversight of the legislative branch? Then don't be a coward! Veto any legislation that calls for oversight of the executive branch, by the legislative branch.
If you are proud of your positions on the issues, then show us. Instead of declaring yourself ABOVE the law (which, NEWSFLASH, you are not), use your veto power.